Dear Friend

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Dear Friend,

Oh hello there. Long time no talk huh. Its been 4 months. Lo siento. Ive been pretty busy with all my school  work and nonsense. I hate school. My favorite senior graduated. Im going to be a junior now. Ugh too much work. Well now im on summer break and so far its been good to me. I went to a party. (sadly it wasn’t my type of party. It was a bit dead). Then my friend came and slept over. She made me run two miles with her but it was too hot so I walked it. Lol NOT JUST ME. My dog too. We were kind of pooped after the first half mile. Not so long after, my family decided it would be a good idea to get another dog. So we adopted one from the animal shelter. Shes a papillon mix and we named her Bella. So now we have Brownie and Bella. Shes the cutest thing ever and those two are best friends. Which I’m happy for because if they weren’t obviously that would cause problems.

Speaking of problems, there have been some at my house. My maternal grandparents had come over because my grandpa needs an operation. My grandma was fine for the first few weeks and then she started complaining about how she wanted to go back to her home which is across the world. See the problem is, my parents have to go to my dads nieces wedding and theyre going to stay there for a week in august. Well my sisters and my school starts in August. So my parents had decided that we could stay at our house with my grandparents and the dogs could stay home too. But now since my grandma is complaining and she wants to go to her house, we would have to stay at my cousins house and they would have to take us to school and the dogs would have to stay at a dog hotel which costs a lot of money. This is what sucks. My grandmother is being a party pooper. Shes been acting all moody and female doggy lately. Plus if I say something, shes going to get mad even more which makes everything worse. Ugh whatever.

So my sister brought her ipod up to me right now and showed me a video about train safety. It was a song pretty much saying “dumb ways to die” and at the end said “be safe around trains, a message from metro” I have to say that was pretty hilarious. 

“Whenever I’m sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead,” this is my new motto. Those of your familiar with How I Met Your Mother most probably know this quote. I swear to god I love Barney Stinson. No I love Neil Patrick Harris. Your argument is invalid.

In three days, its my birthday. Im so excited. That’s June 14 and im turning sixteen!! Im going to have a sweet sixteen party on Saturday… umm but my best friend isn’t even sure if she can make it. Its fathers day weekend and her dads side of the family is having a luncheon the same time my party is happening. I was sad but family always comes first, right? My dad was like “tell her if she doesn’t come, its over between you two” which was hilarious because he said it with sass. OH well. We’ll see what happens. Im out


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