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"So you're sure your cousins are at the fair?" Isiah asked as he and Lola walked down the street 

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"So you're sure your cousins are at the fair?" Isiah asked as he and Lola walked down the street 

Lola nodded, "I'm sure. Tommy and Arthur went to see the Lee family. Relax. You're a Blinder which means no one will look twice at me and you." 

"So I was thinking tonight we could go down to the pictures and have some fun," Isiah said 

Lola looked up at him, "I like the sound of that." 

Just then police cars sped into the street followed by policemen in horses, Isiah grabbed Lola and pulled her backwards as a car came in their direction, "Fucking hell!" Isiah shouted as he hit the bonnet of the car 

"What the hell is going on!" 

Policemen started to kick their way into the houses dragging people out into the street, "They're rounding up the communists. We need to go. Now!" Isiah shouted as they started to quickly walk down the road 

Lola stopped when she saw the corner of the road was empty, "Wait, where's your dad? His corner's empty." 

Isiah looked at the corner and saw that Jeremiah wasn't there, "Dad!"

"Jeremiah!" Lola shouted 

As they got further down the street they saw two policemen pushing Jeremiah against a wall, "Dad!" Isiah shouted as he ran toward them 


Lola followed after them but two more officers grabbed Isiah, "Stop it! He's done nothing!"

An officer came up from behind Lola and pushed her arms behind her back pushing her into the wall, "Stay where you are Ma'am." 

Lola scoffed, "Ma'am, you have no idea about the social hierarchy around here do you?"  

Another officer ran towards them, "Leave them. They're not who we're after. For your information, the Peaky Blinders cleared out to let us do this." 

The officer let go of Lola and she moved backwards away from the wall

Jeremiah jogged over to her, "Miss Gray, are you alright?" 

Lola nodded, "Yeah I'm okay. That copper said that the Peaky Blinders had cleared out to let this happen. That can't be right." 

Jeremiah nodded but before he said anything they heard, "Lola!" 

Lola turned around and saw Isiah running towards them, she sighed in relief as she started to walk forwards and the pair hugged each other.

When they pulled away Isiah ran his finger along a cut on Lola's forehead, she winced as she stepped back, "Where'd they go? I'll make them wish they were never born." 

"As fun as that would be. I'm fine." Lola said 

Isiah nodded then they heard, "What am I witnessing here?" 

The pair turned around and saw Jeremiah behind them, " can't say a word Arthur will have his head." 

"Dad please," Isiah said 

Jeremiah smiled, "With God as my witness, your secret is safe with me. Now get out of here both of you before the Shelby boys get back."

 . . . . . . . . . 

Back at the house everyone was sitting or standing around a table, Polly was sitting in front of Lola cleaning the cut on her forehead, "The coppers told everyone Arthur had agreed to it when he was arrested. They said the Peaky Blinders had cleared out to the fair to let them do it." 

"I said nothing to that copper about smashing up bloody houses and hurting Lo, Isiah and Jeremiah!" Arthur said

Isiah who was sitting on the other side of the table from Lola said, "We're fine Arthur if I had my way they wouldn't have been but we're fine." 

"Lola's face says otherwise where the hell were you-" 

Tommy cut Arthur off, "All right. Which pubs did they do?" 

"The Guns, the Chains, the Marquis all the ones that pay you to protect them. They didn't touch the Garrison." Lola said 

Polly put her hand on Lola's cheek before standing up, "Made sure people think we were in on it. He's smart this copper. So go on, drink your beers, and get out. You'd better show people you are still the cocks of the walk." 

Isiah and the rest of the men put their beers down and started to walk out, "Hand out some cash to the Landlords of the pubs. Pay some veterans to fix the places up." 

Once everyone had gone Polly shut the doors to the office, "Do you have something to tell me?" 

"Should I?" Lola asked 

"Starting with why were you out with Isiah Jesus," Polly said 

Lola stood up and said, "Coincidence. 

Polly stood in Lola's way as she tried to leave, "I don't believe in coincidences." 

"Well, mum you better start because that is all it was. We just happened to be walking down the street where we both live at the same time. Coincidence pure and simple." Lola said as she opened the door from behind Polly 

Lola went to go around Polly but she got in her way, "I am your mother. You can tell me." 

Lola paused before she looked at Polly, "If there was anything to tell. It would get back to Tommy and Arthur. You know that they've scared the population of this city into not going anywhere near me and Ada...okay you want me to tell you, tell me something first. Why is this copper really here?"

Polly raised an eyebrow, "Bartering? Now you're talking like a Gray." Polly shut the door and Lola stepped back, "Churchill sent him to recover a stolen arms shipment. Which Tommy stole." 

Lola sighed and said, "Fucking idiot." 

Polly nodded, "That's what I said. Your turn." 

"You know something I learnt in this family is never swap information before making a signed deal first," Lola said as she opened the door and walked out 

Polly scoffed but looked impressed, "So there is something. You know I would be impressed if I wasn't your mother and you just swindled me." 

Thank you for reading 

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