Billy Kimber

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"What the hell made Tommy decide to let these guys sing

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"What the hell made Tommy decide to let these guys sing. It sounds like cats are being strangled." Lola said as Harry walked over to her and gave her a drink 

Harry laughed and said, "It does. It's giving me a headache but it is only one day a week Miss Shelby." 

Lola gave him a look and said, "Harry how long have you known me. Please, call me Lola. Miss Gray sounds all formal and Miss Shelby is even worse." 

Everyone stopped singing as two men with guns walked in, "Holy shit! It's Billy Kimber." Harry said 

"Christ," Lola said 

Kimber then walked into the Garrison, "Is there any man here named Shelby?" Everyone stayed silent, Kimber took out a gun and shot the ceiling, "I said, Is there any man here named Shelby?"

Tommy, Arthur and John then walked out of the back room and Tommy said, "Harry, get these men a drink. Everyone else go home." 

Everyone quickly ran out of the Garrison, Grace walked over to Tommy and put the drinks on the table, "You go home." 

"But Mr Fenton said-" 

Tommy cut Grace off, "I said go home." 

Grace nodded as she walked out, Arthur looked at Lola who was still sitting at the bar but she just shook her head, "Don't even think about it." 

"I've never approved of women in pubs but when they look like that..." Kimber said 

Tommy, Arthur and John sat down as Tommy said, "You said you want men called Shelby. You've got three of them...and a lady." 

Kimber looked at Lola, "I don't believe we've had the pleasure." 

Lola moved around on the stool and said, "Lola." 

"Lola Shelby?" Kimber asked 

Lola shook her head, "Gray. Shelby if we're getting technical." 

"Right, I never heard of ya. And then I did hear of ya, some little didicoy razor gang. I thought to myself, so what? But then you fucked me over. So now you have my undivided attention. By the way, which one am I talking to? Who's the boss?" Kimber asked 

Arthur leaned forwards and said, "Well, I'm the oldest." 

Kimber laughed, "Clearly." 

John didn't look impressed as he said, "Are you laughing at my brother?" 

"Right. He's the oldest." Kimber pointed at John, "You're the thickest. I'm told the boss is called Tommy..." He pointed at Tommy, "and I'm guessing that's you, 'cause you're looking me up and down like I'm a fucking tart." 

Tommy put his glass down, "I want to know what you want." 

"There were suspicious betting patterns at Kempton Park. A horse called Monaghan Boy... He won by a length twice and then finished last. With £3,000 bet on him." Roberts explained

Tommy didn't seem fazed as he asked, "Which one am I talking to? Which one of you is the boss?" 

"I'm Mr Kimber's adviser and accountant," Roberts said 

Kimber stood up, "And I'm the fucking boss, okay? Right. End of parlay. You fixed the race without my permission. You fucking gypsy scum! What, live off the war pensions and these poor old Garrison Lane widows? That's your level. I am Billy Kimber! I run the races and you fixed one of them. So I'm gonna have you shot against the post. I'm going to have your whole family including the women shot up against a post." 

Kimber went to turn around to leave but Tommy stood up, "Mr Kimber." 

Kimber's men pointed their guns at Tommy, Lola stood up as Arthur and John sat up straight 

Tommy tossed something to Kimber and he caught it, "Look at it. That has my name on it. It's from the Lee family. You are also at war with the Lees, Mr Kimber, am I right? The Lees are attacking your bookies and taking your money. Your men can't control them. You need help." 

Roberts looked back at Kimber, "Perhaps we should listen to what Mr Shelby has to say before we make our decisions." 

Tommy nodded, "Right. The Lees are doing a lot of talking at the fairs. They have a lot of kin. They're saying the racetracks are easy meat because the police are busy with strikes. Now, we have connections, we have people who know the Gypsys know how they work." Tommy looked back at Lola, "We know how they operate. You have...muscle. Together we can beat them. Divided, maybe not."

There was a pause until Roberts said, "Mr Kimber, perhaps we should take some time for reflection. Possibly make arrangements for a second meeting." 

"I admire you, Mr Kimber. You started with nothing and built a legitimate business. It would be an honour to work with you, Mr Kimber." Tommy said 

Lola raised an eyebrow at how polite Tommy was being before Kimber said, "Nobody works with me. People work for me." Kimber tossed a coin onto the floor, "Pick it up, pikey." 

Nobody moved until Tommy moved forwards, John went to stand up but Lola got to him first pushing him down and putting her arms over his shoulders, "Sit down John. Don't. I'd rather not get shot thanks." 

Tommy picked up the coin, "It's for your ceiling." 

"Thank you, Mr Kimber," Tommy said as Kimber walked out 

Roberts stood up and said, "We will be at Cheltenham." 

Tommy nodded, "As will I." 

Once everyone had left Lola said, "So what I got from that is you picked a fight with the Lees on purpose. Are you insane?" 

"Tommy, we can't mess with Billy fucking Kimber," Arthur said 

"Get yourself a decent haircut, man. We're going to the races." Tommy said as he downed his drink 

Thank you for reading 

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