Arthur Shelby Sr

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Lola was asleep in bed when she got jumped awake by Isiah screaming, "Hey! Hey, you're alright

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Lola was asleep in bed when she got jumped awake by Isiah screaming, "Hey! Hey, you're alright. You're alright!" Lola got her arm around his shoulders and held his head against her shoulder her hand on his head, "You're're here with me. You're not in France Isiah! You're not in France!" 

Isiah calmed down slightly, "It's never stops." 

Lola nodded as she kissed him on the head, "I know. I know...but you're here, you're safe. You're with me, and nothing can touch you." 

The door then burst open, Lola moved the duvet up as Jeremiah ran in, "Son..." 

"I think I got this one, Jeremiah," Lola said 

Jeremiah nodded, "It seems you do Miss Gray." 

"When are you going to stop calling me Miss Gray?" Lola asked 

Jeremiah smiled, "When you become my daughter." 

"Dad!" Isiah shouted as Jeremiah left 

Lola looked at him, "You okay?" 

Isiah paused before he nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." 

. . . . . . . .

Later that day Lola walked into the kitchen and saw Polly, Finn, John and Arthur standing around a table which had Arthur Sr sitting at it, "Jesus...What the fuck are you doing here?" Lola asked 

Arthur Sr looked at her, then at Polly, "Lola? Wow, you look like your mother." 

Arthur put a sandwich in front of him and Arthur Sr began to pray, "Bless the father for these bounties we're about to receive-" 

Polly cut him off, "Jesus Christ." 

"Please, woman. Not in vain." Arthur Sr said 

Polly looked at him and said, "Finish your sandwich and sling your hook." 

"Pollyanna, I'm a guest of the head of this family. So why don't you maybe tend to your mangle or your scuttle?" Arthur Sr asked 

Lola and Polly shared a look then Lola said, "The head of the family ain't here." 

Arthur Sr looked at Arthur and he said, "Tommy, Uh. Sometimes helps me with, uh, with business." 

Tommy then walked into the room, "Aye, well, speak of the devil. How are you, son?" 

Tommy took one look at Arthur Sr, "Get out."

"Come on, son. I'm a changed man." Arthur Sr said 

Tommy shook his head, "This family needed you 10 years ago. And you walked out on us. Not now. Get out of this house."

"Tommy, he's different-" 

Tommy cut Arthur off, "Shut up." 

"It's all right, son. Arthur Shelby never stays where he's not welcome. Quite something you've become." Arthur Sr said, he walked past Finn, "Bye, son." 

Finn watched him leave but John turned him around, there was silence until Arthur said,  "He's our dad." 

Tommy scoffed, "He's a selfish bastard."

"You calling someone a selfish bastard? It's a bit rich, Tommy. I mean, thanks to you, we're already down a bloody sister." Arthur said 

Tommy walked over to him, "You want to see him, Arthur?" He pointed to the door, "You want to see him? You go with him." 

Arthur thought about it for a second before he walked out of the house, "Great and now you're down a brother. You're on a roll Tommy. Who's gonna go next? Your Cousin? Your other brother?"  

. . . . . . . .

"My fucking Uncle's back in town," Lola said as she walked into the betting shop and over to the table where Isiah was sitting

Isiah looked up at her, "And that's a bad thing?" 

Lola nodded, "Yes that's a bad thing. He just left. He's a hustler, a thief and a whore-monger. Walk with me." 

The pair stood up and walked into the office where Lola started to count money, "The others don't care about him. Finn never even knew him, but for some reason, Arthur still cares about him. Willing to turn his back on everything here..." She looked up and saw Isiah looking at her smiling, "What?" 

"It's just you ranting is making me...feel things," Isiah said 

Lola smiled, "Well contain that feeling until later...wait a second...oh the bastard. Lock the door." Lola said as she tossed Isiah the keys and rushed out of the room 

She walked into the main house where Polly was sitting at the table, "Do you know where five hundred pounds have gone?" 

Polly looked up, "What?" 

Lola nodded, "Either my counting's wrong, which it's not it's why I have the job I do or we're missing five hundred pounds." 

Polly thought about it for a second before she said, "Arthur." 

Thank you for reading 

This is slightly strange to re-read this now as I've written up to season 3 now 

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