Little Surprise

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That night a gathering of people were throwing pictures of the king into a fire, "I hope to God he knows what he's doing

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That night a gathering of people were throwing pictures of the king into a fire, "I hope to God he knows what he's doing." Lola said as she was standing in front of Isiah 

Isiah nodded and said, "Even if he doesn't. It's a good way to punch back at the fuckers. How's your head?"

"It's fine." Lola said 

"Arthur decked me one when we all left yesterday," Isiah said 

Lola groaned, "Why?" 

"Because you got hurt, in his eyes no excuse is good enough. Not that I had an excuse." Isiah said 

Lola turned around to look at him, "You were dragged off by two coppers. There's your excuse." 

"I don't even think he would take that." 

Everyone cheered when John threw a picture into the fire, "My mother is onto us you know." 

Isiah looked down, "You're sure?" 

Lola nodded, "I don't say anything unless I am sure. I'll sort it just trust me." 

"Now that is something I can do," Isiah said 

Before Lola could reply she saw Ada walking down the street, "Excuse me." Lola left Isiah got to Ada and linked her arm with hers, "Walk with me." 

"You hear about the copper's raid?" Ada asked 

Lola nodded, "I was part of the copper's raid. Pushed me up against the wall nasty cut on my head. So you gonna tell me about your man?" 

"I don't have a man," Ada said 

Lola gave her a look, "You can't fool me, Ada Shelby. I'll tell you about mine if you tell me about yours." 

Ada stopped walking and looked at her, "You have a man? You sly fox. And you did 't tell me!" 

"I am telling you. So come on tell me who is he?" Lola asked 

. . . . . . .

Ada and Lola walked into the house, up the stairs into Ada's room. Lola shut the door behind her, "Well? Come on pure silence the whole way up here. Who is he?" 

Ada sat down, "Freddie Thorne." 

Lola turned around and looked at her, "Freddie? Ada, Tommy will hunt him down and kill him." 

"Well he's not in the city at the minute, so he'd find that difficult," Ada said 

Lola nodded, "Because of the police. Did they catch him?" Ada shook her head, " long has this been going on?" 

"A few months or so. He's not scared of them Lola. He calls me an angel, he's a good man." Ada said 

Lola walked over to Ada and sat down next to her, "I don't doubt that but you are walking through dangerous turf with Freddie Thorne, especially where Tommy is concerned." 

Ada nodded, "I know...your turn." 

"This goes no further than this room deal?" Lola asked 

Ada nodded, "Deal. You and me, that's it." 


Ada paused before she turned in her seat to look at Lola, "Isiah. Isiah Jesus?" Lola nodded, "Tommy will get them both, lock them both in a room and kill them together." 

"I think the easiest option here is to just never date anyone," Lola said 

Ada laughed, "Where's the fun in that? We're Shelby women we need some entertainment. How long have you and Isiah been a thing." 

"I don't know if we are a thing or just mutual hook-ups," Lola said 

Ada gave her a look and said, "Well how did he react in the raids." 

"Threatened to make the coppers wish they were never born," Lola said 

Ada nodded, "Yeah you're a thing. I can't imagine Isiah being with just one woman. He's a wild one."

"That's just because you don't know him very well," Lola said   

"There's something I need to tell you," Ada said 

Lola nodded, "Go ahead." 

"I'm very late."  

Lola realised what she was talking about, "Bloody hell Ada." 

"He said he'd come back," Ada said 

Lola hugged her and said, "They all say that. Okay, we can sort this but she'll figure it out you know she will." 

. . . . . . . .

The next morning Ada and Lola walked into the kitchen where Polly was sitting at the table reading the newspaper, "Good of you to join us. Where have you been all day?" 

Lola sat down as Ada started to make toast as she said, "In bed. Couldn't sleep. Then I couldn't wake up. Then I was cold, and then I had to go for a wee. Then I was with this bear on a boat. That was just a dream. Then I was hungry." 

"Why are you reading the paper?" Lola asked 

Polly looked at her and asked, "Why wouldn't I be?" 

"Well, I've never seen you read the paper. I've only ever seen you light fires with them. Ada?" Lola asked 

Ada said down and nodded, "Never seen it either." 

"The BSA on strike. Miners are on strike. IRA are killing our boys. Ten a day..." Polly stopped talking as she looked at Ada 

Ada put her bread down, "What?"

"Stand up." 


"Just stand up. Side on." Polly stood up and walked over to Ada and grabbed her breast 

Ada stood backwards, "Oi, what are you doing?"

"Ada, how late are you?" Polly asked 

Ada looked over at Lola and Lola nodded, "One week. Five weeks. Seven, if you count weekends. I think it's a lack of iron. I got some tablets." 

"But they didn't work?" Polly asked 

Ada shook her head, "No." 

"Get dressed both of you," Polly said 

Thank you for reading 

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