Devil's glare

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Polly and Lola were waiting outside a house where Ada was being examined, "Who is it, Lola?" Polly asked 

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Polly and Lola were waiting outside a house where Ada was being examined, "Who is it, Lola?" Polly asked 

Lola shook her head, "I don't know." 

"Don't give me that," Polly said 

Lola looked at her, "If I tell you then you'll tell them." 

"Oh okay, so what is this? You and Ada keep each other's love lives secret. That is not how this works-" 

Lola cut Polly off, "Yes mum, that is exactly how this works. Because everyone else in this family will kill anyone we happen to like." 

Ada then walked out of the house, she stopped at the door and nodded, Polly grabbed Ada's arm and they walked down the street, "Keep bloody walking, Ada. If anybody sees us here, they'll know." 

"I'm not getting rid of it, Aunt Pol," Ada said 

Polly didn't stop she just said, "Just come home and we'll talk about it."

Ada got her arm out of Polly's, "You get off of me, or I'll scream it, I swear." 

Polly nodded, "All right, you want to do this on the street? Let's do it. Whose is it?" 

Ada shook her head and said, "If I tell you, you'll tell them and they'll cut him to pieces." 

"Not if he marries you, they won't. Will he marry you?" Polly asked 

"I don't think that's an option right now mum, he's not exactly in the city right now," Lola said 

Polly sighed, "Jesus Christ, Ada!" 

"Look, he's gone away but he said he'd come back," Ada said 

"Yeah, but they all say they'll come back," Polly said 

Ada shook her head, "He's not like that, he's a good man, he promised. He will come back, Aunt Pol, I know he will. Lola tell her." 

Lola paused before she said, "I think he will." 

. . . . . . . .

Later, Lola and Ada were sitting on the sofa, Ada had her head on Lola's shoulder, "The longer you leave it, the worse it gets. It's not going to disappear." 

Ada nodded, "Believe me. I know." 

Polly then walked into the room and sat down on the chair, "I was 16. And I didn't dare tell anyone." 

"Polly, Freddie'll come back," Ada said 

Polly didn't react to that she just said, "In the end, I did it myself. I did it to myself. And I almost died. And he didn't come back. They don't. Why should they? You know the words. You're a whore. Baby's a bastard. But there's no word for the man who doesn't come back. One day, on your wedding day, you'll have a good man on your arm. And you'll say, Polly, thank you, for common sense. This woman's in Cardiff. We'll take the train tomorrow. Go to the castle afterwards for a treat." Ada nodded 

Polly stood up and left the room, "Will you come with me? You're more my sister than my cousin" 

Lola nodded, "Ada of course I will. You know I will."

"He'll come back Lo, I know he will," Ada said 

Lola sighed and said, "He might. But he also might not, and if he doesn't come back this baby and every that will come with it will ruin your life...I will be right back I just need to go and talk to Arthur." 

"Why? What's he done?" Ada asked 

Lola stood up and said, "He decked Isiah." 

. . . . . . . .

Lola walked into Arthur's office and shut the door behind them, "What is the matter with you?" 

Arthur looked up, "What are you talking about?" 

"You! Punching Isiah because of the raids," Lola said 

Arthur nodded as he stood up, "You got hurt-" 

Lola cut Arthur off, "Which wasn't his fault! He physically couldn't do anything, he got dragged off by two coppers. Arthur, you can't punch someone every time one of us gets hurt." 

"I can. I will deck anyone who hurts my sisters." Arthur said 

Lola sighed as she down on the chair on the opposite side of the desk, "God you're gonna be fun when I get a boyfriend."

"I'll be the perfect gentleman," Arthur said 

Lola laughed, "That'll be the day." 

. . . . . . .

Polly, Lola and Ada were walking towards the station, "You okay?" Polly asked 

Ada nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." 

"I think there are some more carriages over there that are gonna be empty." 

As they walked around the corner they saw Freddie, "Holy shit." Lola said 

Polly looked at him, "Jesus. Freddie." 

"You came back?" Ada asked 

Freddie nodded, "I got a tip-off." 

"Freddie, Tommy will kill you," Polly said 

Freddie looked at her, "It's Tommy who tipped me off. Maybe he's got half a heart, after all. Tommy got a message to me. Said, "Get out of town. Take her with you. So..." Freddie got down on one knee and held up a ring box, "Ada Shelby, will you marry me?" 

Ada nodded and laughed, "Yes. Yes. Yes!" 

Freddie smiled as he put the ring on Ada's finger, Ada looked at Lola and she smiled as she hugged her. Polly laughed as she hugged Ada, "Right. Get on this bloody train and get out of here. Come on, both of you."

They turned around and saw Freddie hadn't moved, "Freddie, come on. Freddie... Cardiff's okay, anywhere but here's okay." 

"We're not going anywhere, Ada. We're gonna stay here, we're gonna marry here. I'm not afraid of Tommy Shelby." 

Freddie took Ada's hand and they walked off, Lola looked at Polly, "Mum." 

Polly looked at her, "What?" 

"If you look at him like that for much longer he will set on fire," Lola said

Thank you for reading 

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