War with Sabini

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"What are you thinking about?" Isiah asked as he walked into his room and saw Lola sitting on the windowsill 

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"What are you thinking about?" Isiah asked as he walked into his room and saw Lola sitting on the windowsill 

Lola looked over at him, "I haven't told you about my siblings have I?" 

Isiah shook his head, "I didn't know you had any." 

"I didn't really want to talk about them. I've got a brother and a sister. Anna and Michael. I was out with Arthur one Sunday and when we got back...coppers had taken them from mum and now she thinks that Anna's dead, I don't want to believe it, I don't want to think that the last time I saw her I was eight. I guess I'm just scared the same is going to happen to us. I mean it's not going to be easy." Lola said 

Isiah sighed as he walked over to her and sat down next to her, "It isn't going to be easy. A gangster and a black man, it's going to be hard but no one will take this baby from you, from us. You know why? I wouldn't let them I would kill them all to protect you and our girl." 

"So you believe my mum?" Lola asked 

"I think I would be stupid not to," Isiah said 

Just then they heard a car horn, Lola looked out the window and saw John, Arthur and Tommy in the car, "They're taking you with them?" 

"Don't ask me why. Some kind of you're almost in the family now let's test you kind of thing." Isiah said

Lola smiled as she kissed Isiah, when she pulled away she said, "I want you back in one piece you hear me?" 

Isiah nodded, "I wouldn't have it any other way." Isiah stood up and kissed Lola's stomach, "You be good too." 

Once Isiah got to the door he said, "Love you." 

Lola smiled, "Love you too...Isiah!" He turned around, "Cap." 

Isiah looked at the chair where his hat was and picked it up, "What would I do without you?"  

Lola looked out of the window and saw John pull Isiah into the car, she smiled as she heard Arthur shout, "Right! The Peaky Blinders are going on fucking holiday!"

John and Isiah pulled Arthur back down, "Sit down you mad bastard!" 

. . . . . . . . .

In the betting shop, Lola was writing in the books whilst Polly was typing and Esme was walking around, "You're against this the same as me, aren't you?" 

Lola looked up as Polly said, "Look out for anyone putting big money on Divine Star in the 3:30 at Newmarket. She's one of ours. Anything over a pound, tell me."

"Polly, I don't wish to pry into your business, but you should know something. That woman is a trickster." Esme said 

Polly looked at her and asked, "What woman?"

"Her sister was in the washhouse early, boasting there'd been a Shelby at the table," Esme said 

Lola stood up, "Esme, what woman?"

"Gypsies talk to each other," Esme said 

Polly repeated herself, "What woman?"

"You went to see Mrs Price in the Patch last night." Esme said, she paused for a second before she put her hand on Polly's shoulder, "I'm sorry-" 

Polly got up from her chair and pushed Esme up into the wall, "Mum! For crying out loud!" Lola shouted as she stood up

 "So what do you know?" Polly asked 

"I know they push the glass. The man, it's her cousin. He pushes the glass. It's a trick. They tell you what you already believe. She set up after the war because of all the widows. Polly, I just thought you should know." Esme said 

"And in this fucking washhouse, did they tell you why I went there?" Polly asked, when Esme didn't answer Polly flicked her knife out and held it to Esme 

Lola rolled her eyes, "Mum! Come on! We are not men!" 

"You tell a soul in this family, and I swear I will cut you," Polly said 

"I don't need a knife to stop me from telling secrets given in confidence. It is a matter of honour." Esme said 

Lola walked towards Polly and put her arm in between them, "She is a Lee, she isn't afraid of a knife mum. Put it down...mum!" 

Polly put the knife down and then walked off, Lola looked at Esme, "You okay?" 

Esme nodded, "I'm sorry for your loss." 

Lola slightly smiled, "So am I. That doesn't mean I believe it." 

. . . . . . . .

That night Lola was walking down the street when she saw two men in front of her, she turned around and there was a man behind her, "Lola Shelby?" 

Lola shook her head, "No." She tried to walk past the man but he slapped her around the face

The two men from behind grabbed her, "Your cousin broke the rules. Me and my friends here need a bit of female company." 

Lola headbutted the man in front of her and elbowed the two men behind her in the stomach, just as she went running one of them grabbed her from behind and pushed her up against the wall, "Get the fuck off me! I'm fucking pregnant! Get the fuck off!" 

Just then there was a shot and one of the men went down, the second one went running but he got shot. Lola pushed the last man off of her and he also got shot, "Lola!" 

Lola turned around and saw Charlie running towards her, "Charlie?" Charlie pulled her towards him when he got to her, "You're all right. Are you okay?" Lola nodded, "The baby?" 

"We're fine. We're fine Charlie." 

Thank you for reading 

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