Meeting again - Hero's!

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Aizawa Shouto
You saw Aizawa every day, EVERY SINGLE DAY for two whole weeks, until Mic came back. You two did not talk to each other much, mostly "hello's" or "Good days" until Mic came back and as you were catching him up on what you had done with the class when Aizawa would walk in handing you a coffee "Hey Y-N, would it be possible for you to cover Math for the brats, i did an all night shift and i just need a small break to catch up on sleep" As Aizawa asks you to cover the second period after Mic's English class you would shrug "Sure thing, you rest and ill cover second period for you, and thanks for the coffee" just as the words came out of your mouth Aizawa would be pulling up the zip to his sleeping bag and sitting in a corner "HAHA! Good old Aizawa, I'm glad nothing changed" Mic would say as he strolled out of the office to start period one. 

Hizashi Yamada
"Go for Axis!" a phrase you say so often that you would hated hearing it from anyone, even Mic, as you learnt as he rushed over and hugged you screaming in your ear "GO FOR AXIS!" before laughing his head off "My fucking ears!" You hissed out and pulled away from Hizashi as he screaming. You loved certain parts of your job but this is one of the things you disliked. "Hey hey hey Axis sorry but its so good to see you again, I'm a little disappointed when you didnt call me in for another interview" He joked as you had to call in R-Rated Hero Midnight and Dragon Hero Ryukyu because once again Endevour and All Might both called out, Endevour had 'more important things to do' and All Might was at UA teaching. "Look Mic Im sorry but the people have already had their hour with you, maybe in a few weeks if those assholes keep cancelling on me ill call you back in but i want to give my people the reality of the hero world not some make believe façade ok?" You admitted as you pull a mirror out to check your ear for bleeding, but before he could answer you heard the producer call for Mic so he could go on air for his time.

Locking up your cafe was always a long process but because today was a quite day due to the snow that was falling all day you didnt have as much to close up and as such as you locked the door you would check the time, 8:30pm! Oh hell yeah that meant you could hit your favourite restraunt and get take away before hitting the hay as tomorrow is SUNDAY! and you keep your cafe closed on Sunday. Turning the corner you would bump into a familiar blond haired male with large red wings "Hey Pretty lady, i was just coming to visit you" Hawks said as he looked at you with a large grin "Pretty lady has a name, its Y-N and im sorry but we are closed and i am going to pick dinner up and go home and relax until Monday so good day" You said quickly trying to move away as you could hear the fan girls, even from the four blocks away.

Tensei Iida
It was three days later when Tensei came back to check on your progress and he was told that you were not in the main building, you were in your warehouse. Tensei was given your personal cell as you told your receptionist that if any pro's came and had a slot with you, while you were in your warehouse for any reason, they could call you on your personal cell so they could get updates. When you heard your phone ring you would walk over and pick it up as you had been listening to music on it prior "Hello? Is this Y-N L-N?" Tensei asked as you answered the phone "Yes, they is i, whom am i talking to and how can i help?" You responded and as soon as you confirmed your identity to him, Tensei would reveal it was him. the two of you ended up chatting for 30 minutes on his outfit before the two of you said your good byes and you got back to work.

Today was your first formal day working with Fatgum and you were excited to do so. your quirk, Angels light, was more a capturing and defensive quirk that an offensive one because it can and has injured partners in the past. which is why you were sent on this exchange,  so you could have some fresh air. waiting for Fatgum to meet you with the two kids who would be shadowing the two of you, was like waiting to hear if your old partner was alive or not,  it was long and it made you agitated to the point where you were pacing around in front of the agency. "Hey you ok Y-N? your pacing around like your waiting for bad news" You hear the familiar voice call out which makes you flick your head towards him and a sigh escapes your lips "Hey, fatgum sir, im sorry...I can get impatient when im waiting for people. are we ready to go?" you ask as he walks over with Tamiki and Kirishima. After some quick introductions the four of you go on your rounds and after a 6 hour shift, a few snack breaks and a lot of chatting, you part way with the three boys and start to head to your appartment

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