You have nightmares with the Hero's

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A-N! Super sorry but this nightmare chapter will mention a future chapter but as it is I'm swamped with idea's and requests so it may take a bit to get the stories behind your nightmares and I am so sorry because I understand how upsetting that may be.


Aizawa Shouta
Aizawa often dragged you into what he called his 'nap session' however you had recently stopped actually sleeping and Aizawa noticed! one day he grabbed you and pulled you to his nap spot but unlike normal you dont see that bright yellow bag "Zawa? You ok you dont have your bag?" You would ask confused as you were unsure of why he would suddenly grab you like this especially at lunch time "Y-N, you havent been actually napping with me, and beyond that! You have massive bags under your eyes so your clearly not sleeping at your place. even Mic has noticed it, is everything ok? I know we made up after the fight and everything it still affecting you?" Aizawa asked as he rubbed your cheek before he sighed, he wanted to make sure you were really ok and not just continuing to pretend "...Its just a nightmare, ive been having it for a few weeks since i got caught up in the fight. I am sleeping just not napping as much anymore" You explained to him as he sighed quite irritated "Y-n, why didnt you tell me? I would listen" He pleaded before tearing up and holding you "Aizawa baby, I didnt tell you because I dont wanna seem weak and the kids need to rely on me" You would explain before tearing up as you knew the kids were probably even more terrified then you were. Holding you Aizawa would comfort you, that he would never dare tell anyone else if you ever told him about the few things that troubled you.

Hizashi Yamada
You had the same nightmare for years ever since your quirk started as you feared you would forget your own voice and be stuck using other peoples voices for years however as you got older the nightmare did go away until you had one. You had been resting with Yamada after a long day at work until you started to thrash around in your sleep before letting an ear piercing scream which woke you and Hizashi up. Shooting up you would gasp as you felt your heart racing and soon after a hand wrapping around your waist, before you heard the all to familure groggy voice of a tired Hizashi "Y-N? My little star are you ok?  Why did you scream? Did you have a nightmare my lover" he would ask, using your name and nicknames to try and comfort you as he sat up and pulled you closer "Huh? Ha....sorry sorry I had a nightmare...I didnt mean to scream" you would apologise as you leant back to sit your head on your shoulder. The two of you would sit in silence before he leant up and kissed your cheek softly "Y-N, never apologise for a nightmare, do you wanna talk about it sugar plum or do you want me to SSS?" You would sigh happily, sign snuggle and sleep was something you made up "SSS please...its a stupid nightmare" you muttered as you were unsure about ever actually telling anyone of the nightmare.

You couldnt breath again, you couldnt move, you felt the same hand over your mouth which you hated! After your attack and the fight with Hawks, you were still sensitive so Hawks was clinging to you more, even letting you come by his office which was where you were. You had fallen asleep on the couch and you were thrown into the nightmare, though it was more like a memory though it ended different in your mind. You had gotten out of the altercation with your life and Hawks however in the dream it was so different! You were resisting Dabi as he used you as a bargaining chip however when another hero, you didnt know who, their face had scribbles on it, but you did know that the try failed and Dabi burned Hawks in a huge blast of blue flames. Screaming his name Dabi would then drag you to the edge of the building before he threw you off and as you screamed before you hit the ground you would wake up. Gasping for air you would sit up which alerted Hawks who rushed over to you "Baby! Humming bird are you ok?" He would ask as he knelt next to you and reached out to hold your face. turning to him as he smiled, you would let a sigh out and give a small nod "Y-Yeah im ok...I just had a nightmare" you muttered as Keigo would sigh and kiss your cheek "Your having nightmares about that night" he would ask before you sighed confirming what he was thinking was true though he was already well aware you would be hurt.

Tensei Iida
You couldnt remember the nightmare but you knew you had one, as you were hyperventilating while Tensei rushed back in with a warm towel that he sat on the back of your neck. Holding you after he put the towel on your neck he would let you calm down in your own time and once you were calmed down he would kiss your forehead "Shh sunshine your ok, your safe you want a glass of water?" He would ask as he grabbed his bottle of water that was for bed, offering it for you as he wanted to keep you grounded in the moment and not worry about whatever nightmare had plagued you "I-I...Im ok Tensei...Im sorry about waking you up...I know you have work in the morning" You would apologise as he gave a small laugh before he kissed your forehead "Not at all...want me to put some music on so you can go back to sleep?" He would ask as you found comfort in the noise which caused you to nod. Giggling as he put some random playlist on, you and Tensei would snuggle again and after you fell asleep, Tensei would watch you for another hour before he fell asleep 

You were on an experimental drug that stop the simulation of the Limbic system because of an unfortunate side effect of the PTSD from the 'incident'. The drug was very effective however you couldnt always pick when you were sleeping so some days when you would skip the pills cause you were on late duty and you napped the nightmares would come. "Y-N...Why dont you let yourself nap for more then 20 minutes?" Fatgum would ask as your normal 30 minute alarm went off " I dont go into R.E.M sleep...and so i dont dream" You would say as your eyes wondered up to the clock before you looked back at him " know my know im broken" You would mutter before Fatgum walked over and pet your head "Your not broken, your human...and besides you can clearly see what you did back then was wrong so its have you had a break? Cause im hungry" Fatgum would ask, distracting you as you giggled and showed him your breakfast that you had taken a picture of because of how much of a mess it was/

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