The boys realise they love you

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Izuku  Midorya
Every day, Every day Inko would watch her son leave around 11am and go to the swing set where he would met you about half an hour later and the two of you would train, chat, and relax. the two of you got along very well, and often would spend 6 or more hours at the swing set. One day it started to rain and as Izuku's place was closer you went to his place, and as a result you met his mother. Izuku had left you alone to get towels and a spair pair of his clothes, when he heard you chatting with his mother about him and how you had never seen someone so kind wanting to be a hero. hearing you chat and laugh about him, he would realise his desire to be around you and make you laugh was love in the purest form he knew.

Bakugo Katsuki
It was a slow realisation, it took months, hell who are we kidding, years. you were 11, only a few weeks from 12 when your parents were killed, now you were 15, sitting with Katsuki as his parents held the two letters. Mitsuki was reading bakugo's letter, where as Masaru was reading yours, but that was broken when Mitsuki squealed and hugged her son "OH YOU DID IT YOUR LITTLE BRAT! Your in UA! Class 1A! the hero course baby" She cheered as Bakugo smiled the largest grin he could muster. "Of course i got in hag! I'm gonna be number 1 One day!" He said with confidence which was when all eyes turned to Masaru. Lowering his head Masaru would slowly read out what was written on your letter "Though we appreciate your intrest in becoming a hero one day, we have decided to reserve you a space in class 1C due to responsibility if you get hurt under our watch" Once those words left his mouth you would stand up and sit a hand on Katsuki's shoulder "Do it for both of us, become number one for me to" You said in defet as you walked upstairs to your room. as he watched you leave he felt his heart break, he had learnt to protect you as a brother but watching you leave because your dream had been shattered he would realise, it was more then as siblings. he love, loved you and he made a silent promise to himself there and then to do whatever it took to make you happy, but for now he would rush upstairs and slowly go into your room before sitting next to you as you balled your eyes out silently

Kirishima Eijiro
Kirishima admired from just hearing about you from Mina, when he meet you, he felt like he was meeting a goddess. how your E/C eyes would reflect how you felt even when you didn't want them to, how whenever you got your coffee you would squeal happily.  whatever it was about you, Kirishima found something to adore about you and all his friends knew.  "Kirishima, let us be serious here,  you visit her every day, you bring her coffee, you often have lunch with her. Dude your in love" Denki said as he grabbed Kirishima's shoulders and shake him "In. Loveeee" As Denki would shake Kirishima he would chuckle and shake his head "No i dont, Y-N is just amazing and if you lot got to know her you would like her like i do" Kirishima was in denial for the first time in his life as he wasnt sure if  you loved him or if it was just your work kindness "Kirishima, my dude, I am her best friend and even im not hanging out with her as much as you are" Mina said as she sat a foot on his thigh and pushing him "Kirishima, you know this is how you feel so why the denial?" Sero Asked as he looked up from his phone. Why? Kirishima knew he loved you but he didnt want his heart to shatter when you rejected him. the likelihood you liked him back in his head was minimal because you were probably just as nice to everyone else as you were to him so if he pushed his feelings down he could continue on with his life but the more it pushed down the more it would grow and the more he realised if he was to be manly he would have to talk to you

Tenya Iida
Iida's words came true, the two of you became good friends and even great partners. you often came to his class for breaks so you could talk with him about his quick and ways gagets could help. unlike Mei you were a lot gentler and wayyy less excitable when it came to your inventions. this paticular day, you had asked for a favour from Iida to test out your new tracking bots which he happily agreed to, hell he even said he was sure he could get some of his friends to help out to which you told him you had only made one "There is no point me making fifty if they all need fixing, so if this one fails its much less issue then all fifty" You explained as you got to the changing rooms. you would stay waiting for him so he could change into his UA sports gear "That is a good point. Oh i must ask how is Mei? I havent seen her in a while" He asked trying to continue the conversation as always. the way you spoke, your slight accent from been raised with an Andorrian mother, it all made Iida pleased as you would speak "Ohh you didnt hear, she got suspended. after she destroyed a few peoples projects in one of her fits after you said no to her, like i get having passion, been passionate its admirable but she destroyed 13 other students mid years" As you explained you would leave out she also destroyed yours as she had really gotten frustrated "Well anyway we will just slip this in your pocket" your words came out as Iida realised you had gotten closer and slipped your hand in his pocket to put the circle shaped tracker into his pocket. as you did you would notice how deep his pockets went and your eyes sparkled before you started to go onto a whole speech about how you didnt know pockets could go that deep and how it was so cool and spacious. as you went on Iida would smile a little and shake his head. he listened to you as you went on about how cool it was and as he did he would realise it wasnt just an admiration for your voice, he admired everything, how your hands moved when you spoke, how your eyes were always going places, even how you just stood shorter then him. as it hit him, his smile would soften and he would let a small sigh out before he interrupted you and reminded you about the test run

Shoto Todoroki
There you stood, double and triple checking your outfit and makeup for tonight. You were finally getting to meet Shoto's mother and he was getting dressed in your bedroom so you had more privacy. You would double check your lipstick, making sure your teeth were not stained or the lipstick wasnt a mess on your face before you make sure your white eyeliner was straight and symmetrical and that your blue eyeshadow was blended well and  not to over bearing. As you check again Shoto would knock and peak his head into the room, where he got to see you double check your makeup "Wow, and i thought you looked good before hand. is everything ok dear?" He asked as he walked in, he was wearing a suit jacket that you had embroidered with red flowers on one side and snow flakes on the other. you would look at him and take a deep breath before shaking your head "Im sorry Shoto, its just i feel like...I mean you said what i picked out was fine but im not sure, what if your mother doesnt like me? what if i screw up? O-Or what if..." You would start to reveal why you were nervous when Shoto hugged you from behind. he had started developing feelings from the first time the two of you met because he knew what it felt to be like you. Now however as he listened to your nerves get the better of yourself, he would realise what he felt as he kissed your temple and whisper "They will love you, the real you, just like i do. dont think to hard and show them the passion you showed me when you talked about your favourite things" He said as he pulled you away from the mirror and towards the door

sero hanta
It was actually last year, second year at UA when he realised he loved you. the two of you had never spoken before a single time but watching you go up against Todoroki he couldn't help it. Your elegancy was beyond speak able in Sero's eyes. Your quirk bumble bee! Was very battle worthy, plus it was useful that your wings were like that of butterflies however no one had ever seen you move so fluently between your feet and your wings. The exact moment was when you stepped away from todoroki, your stinger in his shirt, pinning him against the wall of ice. you would sigh and push some of your hair back, and as you did your head would turn to Aizawa, The confidence you radiated, it made Sero fall head over heals for you.

Denki Kaminari
he fell in love with you the moment he saw you with your face buried in Dracula. Mina had mentioned you a few times but when he laid eyes on you in a hoodie and thigh high socks, he feel in love with you even more. and yet again when he came over with snacks and books, you sat down and he would stare at you.

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