Date With Denki

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"Come on Mina I don't see why I cant see my little bumblebee? we have made it official and I am not gonna hurt her! besides we have a date at the library! H.P Lovecraft calls with his horrors of the unknown!" Denki would say, partially calling into the house to tell you that he was there as Mina would not let him into the house, as she was still very huffy about the relationship. holding the door closed Mina would huff because you had given Denki a key in case you were to caught up in books when he came over as he loved to come over randomly and sometimes you. You had heard the two arguing from downstairs as you would grab your bag and rush downstairs. yet as you came down Denki and Mina was in each others faces as the two had been constantly arguing about the relationship "Mina, you are my best friend and if something comes along that breaks us up ill be damned if i fucking let you take my side but if you keep this up then there is no way you and my little bumblebee's own relationship will not crumble and I for one do not to see that happen when you and Y-N's relationship goes down. now if  you will excuse me I would like to go see my bumblebee and take them to the library bumblebee look amazing!" Denki would turn towards the stairs where he saw you standing. standing at the top of the stair's you were wearing one of Mina's old shirts that you had fixed, her quirk often left her shirts and pants worn down with in only weeks to a month or two, and you would take some of them to fix them up "OMG That was the one that Kirishima got me for my Birthday last year! Oh i loved that shirt, to bad when i wore it we got attacked" Mina said as she went upstairs, leaving Denki at the door as he stared at you. pulling you aside Mina would have a quick word about some 'rules' she was laying down as she wanted to protect you no matter what as you were her precious baby sister "And last of all Y-N...just please, Denki hangs out with some not nice people. if he tries anything just a quick burst of your quirk and get out of there, ill deal with him and burn everything off of him" Mina said as she would open her palm to show how serious she was. Rolling your eyes you knew about who she was talking about, Mineta, Denki had bought you out for coffee and unfortunately Mineta had seen his friend and came over. as you had been showing of a new skirt that you had fashioned out of an old lightning shirt and a denim skirt which unfortunately was not below your knee's. as you remembered the coffee you would shudder before you shrugged "Denki is very protective however if he tries anything I know how to defend myself" You said as you patted Mina on the shoulder before going downstairs and hugged Denki because he was waiting at the doorway. as the two of you would wrap your arms around each other Denki would grin and pull you towards the door as he started to ramble about a new book he had stumbled upon while he was looking at the reviews about another book you had mentioned. "--And of course it has murder in it! ohh you will love it, its called 'catching jack the ripper' and Oh my gods i am going to search the whole library until i can find the book or so help me imma die" Denki said as the two of you walked out of the house and down towards the library which was only 4 blocks away from your home which you were so grateful for as it meant late night Library runs. when the two of you arrived at the library, you and Denki would find a quite corner and after a chapter or two of reading you and Denki had gotten a little distracted~

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