Chapter I

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"Good morning sire"
Said a voice as close to perfection as I could get it in less than a year.
As usual I had woken up to the perfect life of a lord. There's nothing I do if it's not perfect. I do not make or tolerate mistakes. Perfection is all that can be around me. I am a royalty. To me, royalty isn't about anything but my perfection and my people, kingdom castle and everything I own needs to be perfect weather it's against their will. I was born perfect but this world I live in no! It's not perfect but I, Charles Maxon Cambridge shall make everything perfect even if it means being the devil to make it all perfect.
I woke up to my perfect castle and followed my perfect routine.

"A man namely, George Williamston, states this kingdom was, is and never will be perfect as long as you will rule" read out my perfected secretary.

"We have him here at the palace at the very moment and is the man that lies before you refusing to bow down to you" he said.
"Well, I see you think this place won't be perfect so I shall grant you one chance to explain what is wrong" I commanded.
"You murder people that try to go against you or try to give an opinion? And you have the nerve to ask what's wrong? This kingdom is said to be free but I don't see the freedom I can't feel it. We are all robots that YOU! You functioned to be per-fect. WE ARE HUMANS! You call this place perfect its really not, this is a prison that everyone is unfortunate to be born in you think you're a good oh no wait, a perfect ruler? How? You're a murder, a psycho in fact, you hang people that break your laws because they are human, because they disire the freedom that every human deserves. You don't do it for our good you do it because you enjoy it and are full of pride and ego! You take pride in something you or anyone didn't choose! This is purely unfair!" he lemented.
As his recklessness, shamelessly grew. This man thinks he is beteer than me? I AM PERFECT!
"Well, it's a shame you think that way, allow me to execute my idea" I said in a sarcastic but perfect tone.
"Go ahead let's see if you are actually as smart as you think" he said with no respect.
What a misbehaved boy! God I wish I could hang to on the chandelier of blood. But this, this was the perfect time to use him as an example to show the world what happens to people like him.
"Appreciate it, now how about you takeover for a week and let's see if you can make the people happy and perfect and if I am proven wrong and you are better than me, than you shall hang me on this chandelier to my death and takeover the dynasty. But! If I am proven right then you will hang on this chandelier for as long as the last living organism, on this planet has breathe down its lungs" I stated
"Fine one week it is. Print the papers if you want I shall sign it with pleasure" he replied
"Great then! Butler!" I yelled.
"Yes sire" he said.
"Please print the contract which shall include this whole conversation word by word perfectly written as it was said and have him and Me sign it" I commanded.
In a pleasant way as I knew i would win and would delightly look at his body for the rest of my life in just a week.
"As you wish Sire" he said, as he bowed and waddled away in discipline.

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