1. George's friend..s

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☆SONG: what is love? Tell me, is it easy? - Hala

•Mentioned abuse
Word count: 1054


Quackity lied in bed next to Schlatt after being brutally beaten by him. He's slowly started to grow used to it which allows him to get tired of it. He heard the other mumble something incoherent to him.

"Fucks sake.." he muttered and closed his eyes to slowly drift off into dreamland or... nightmare land. Not very pleasant even for him.

After what feels like a second, he wakes up in tons of pain. He slowly sits up, the muscles in his arms tensing as he groaned slightly and rubbed his eyes to wake up a bit. There was laughter from downstairs, it was Schlatt.

He frowned and looked up at the camera which Schlatt uses to watch Quackity. The shorter stood up and painfully stretched before sheepishly entering the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and cringed.

"How do I let him do this to me." He muttered to himself as he grabbed alcohol wipes and started wiping the dried blood from his face. He winced at the alcohol the wipes contained but continued anyway.

He finished and changed into something casual since his outfit would get messed up anyway. He stumbled down the stairs and started cooking only to feel arms wrap around his waist.

The male muttered, "Hey, love.."

Quackity hummed, "Hey." When Schlatt is sober he's the kindest he can be but every night it's the complete opposite.

"How's your morning?" Schlatt said quietly.

"Its alright.." Quackity barely said.

Schlatt ruffled the shorters hair and kissed him softly, unlike any other time. When he pulled away, Quackity was left heart-warmed.

That's how Schlatt got him to stay. Quackity continued cooking as Schlatt stumbled back to the couch, melting into the seat.

Although Schlatt was showing love for him, Quackity couldn't get the memories of last night out of his head which is just like every morning.

He finally finished cooking and took it over to Schlatt, grabbing water for him to wash it down. He set the food on the coffee table and quickly walked away, not even hearing Schlatts "thanks". He ran out onto the backyard that had a huge fence around it.

"Should've known." He sighed before getting out a cigarette he sneaked from Schlatts drawer.

He lit it with a lighter he keeps with him at all times and set it in his mouth, his lungs engulfing the smoke. He let out a tiny cough but got used to it pretty quickly.

He got out his phone and called his best friend, George. "ALEXX!" George exclaimed, excitement filling the air.

Quackity laughed lightly and blew the smoke out, "Hey, how are you? It's been a while." He smiled.

George laughed, "I'm good! I and Dream moved in together along with his best friend."

"Ooh! Are you guys dating yet?~" Quackity teased only to be followed up with a scoff.

"Shut up.." George giggled. Quackity put the cigarette back in his mouth, letting out a small laugh that made him cough.

"How are you and Schlatt holding up? Have things gotten better?" Quackity froze and took the cigarette out, deciding to lie.

"..Yeah! He's started drinking less and started treating me better." He faked a small laugh.

George gasped, "Great! I'm so glad I don't have to stab him now." He joked.

Quackity laughed and coughed, "Are you.. are you smoking?"

Quackity scoffed immediately after George asked, "As my best friend, you need to stop accusing me of smoking." He said quickly.

George hummed, "You are aren't you?" Quackity frowned, George always knew when he was smoking or not.

"I'm sorry... I know I promised but.. it helps me feel free." He muttered.

George sighed with an audible frown, "Alex, you need to stop. If you wanna feel free then go on a walk or something! Smoking isn't good for you and you know it!"

"If only it were that easy," Quackity whispered to himself and stuck the cigarette back into its place in his mouth.

"What'd you say?"

Quackity scoffed, "Nothing important, who's Clay's friend?" He said quickly.

"Ah, his name's Nick! I and Clay call him Sapnap though. He's like 5'9? I'll send you a photo of him." George responded.

That's when Quackity got the notification of the photo. He opened it and immediately dropped the cigarette onto his bare thigh.

"FUCK!" He shouted at the burn.

"Alex? Are you okay!?" He asked quickly. Quackity hissed at the pain and stepped on the cigarette to put out the fire.

"I'm fine.. just- y'know." He muttered back.

George laughed lightly, "What? Is Nick too hot for you to handle?" He teased.

Quackitys face turned red, "Shut the fuck up, George." He muttered as he dug half his face into his hand. George very audibly laughed and saw Quackity reopen the photo.

"OHH! YOU LIKE HIM!!" George continued to tease.

Quackity giggled, "Shut the- what are you doing!?" George spammed Quackity with photos of Nick until a specific one made Quackitys face turn as bright as a tomato.

It was Nick with some other guy. He had light brown hair, a cute smile and foggy blue eyes. He was taller than Nick which tied it all together for him.

"Who's the brown-haired?" He asked as he examined the boy.

"Ah, that's Karl. He's Nick's close friend, he's like 5'11 or something." It was quiet for a bit until George scoffed, "Why? You like him too?"

Quackity rolled his eyes. "I'm curious! But uh, I've gotta go. Talk to you soon George." His time on the phone had run out.

Schlatt was extra cautious when it came to Quackity being on the phone. If he's talking to some for more than 5-10 minutes, it notifies him. So, Quackity decided to end it after 9 minutes.

"Okay! Bye Alex, I'll tell Nick and Karl all about you." He joked before the call ended.

Quackity sighed, he doesn't have a chance with them, Schlatt is forcing him to stay and he can't even go to the grocery store across the street!

But.. George knows Nick and Nick knows the other dude so.. he just has to get away from Schlatt and his dreams will come true!.. Now, how does he do that without going through guilt and pain?

Though it does seem like a fair trade for the two boys of his dreams and actual love.. but then again, the pain he goes through every day doesn't stop him from loving Schlatt.

So, what now?

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