12. Sweet Nothings

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☆SONG: Loverboy ~ A-Wall


"Wake UP!" Ponk chucked a pillow at a disturbed Quackity. He did not feel like getting out of bed but he had school.

He grunted as he sat up, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes to wake up at least a bit more. "Get outtt.." He grumbled. Ponk rolled his eyes and walked out of the room but not before throwing another pillow at the boy.

Quackity scoffed with a smile now plastered on his face which faded away when he saw the time. 6:40 AM. He had over an hour until classes started.

The raven-haired rolled out of bed and pulled his shirt up and over his head, grabbing a hoodie and black ripped jeans for after his shower.


Okay, I'll be honest, the only real reason I got out of bed this morning was to see Alex. I know, it's corny but he's pretty! The first guy I think I'll ever fall for. Of all the guys I've hooked up with, Alex is different from them and I haven't even hugged him once!

Anyway, more about me. I don't dress... masculine? I don't know. I wear 90's clothing and it's not very "manly" according to the jocks of the school. I couldn't care less honestly, being called gay or a whore/slut by one of the girls is normal for me at this point, is that bad?

Whatever. I walked over to my closet and pulled on cuffed jeans before throwing on a green button-up. I rolled up the sleeves and unbuttoned 2 buttons, just for the looks of it. Then I grabbed my dull green and white converse to finish off the outfit.

I looked in the mirror and smiled at the look. I added a few extra touches such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and a pair of earrings. I felt like something was missing and I looked over at a makeup palette my sister had left.

My thought contemplating whether or not I should wear some. I opened a cabinet and pulled out an eyeliner pencil, deciding to touch up on my eyes.

"Karl! I've gotta go, hurry up!" I heard my sister yell. I finished quickly and put the pencil back in its place before running down the stairs. I grabbed the piece of toast and my backpack, making sure my phone was in my pocket.

After a successful check, I walked out with my sister. We got in her car and she drove me to the school. My thoughts got filled with Alex immediately. I blushed just thinking of his face, how his smile could rip right through me, how his hair would slickly blow in the air, how his eyes would look at me, how-

"Karl? Dude." Her voice brought me back into reality as my sister pointed at the school, "Out." She scoffed playfully.

I laughed lightly, "Right, see ya!" I smiled nervously and got out of the car.

She waved me goodbye and drove off. Then an arm wrapped around my shoulder, "Who's the chick?" Sapnap winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, "My sister, weirdo." I spoke.

Sapnap groaned in annoyance, "You need a girl badly, man." He pats my back.

I hummed, "I don't know, I think I'm okay." I muttered once I saw Quackity talking to George. His smile radiated off pure glee, it even made me smile.

"Seriously, though. You're such a lonerr!" The idiot next to me said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Go bother Clay, I've gotta go do something.." I trailed off as Alex waved at me. My face did seem to get a bit warm but I waved back.

"Oooh! Whose boyfriend is that.." Sapnap smirked.

I elbowed his stomach, "Fuck off." I mumbled.

Nick laughed, "Didn't know you were into that stuff, nice catch." He smiled at me. I scoffed and pushed him off my shoulder. He walked off and I took this chance to walk up to Quackity.

As he saw me come closer, he smiled a lot more. "Hey," I said lightly.

He turned his body to face me, "You look nice!" The boy grinned. HOLY SHIIT!

"Thank you, you- you do too." I said flattered.

He had scoffed but kept eye contact along with a smile. "Thanks, man." I nodded as a 'you're welcome' Then he took my hand in his and dragged me away with him. I waved goodbye to George and he smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes as he went further out of sight. I finally catch myself on my feet and matched the same speed Quackity was walking. "Where are you taking me!?" I laughed.

He shrugged, "I dunno, just wanted to be away from everyone." He grinned. I rolled my eyes.

"Idiot." I muttered. Quackity looked at me and stuck his tongue out. I smiled, having a friend like him made me happy.

Suddenly, he stopped. I almost tripped but looked up and saw a small lake. It was beautiful with all the animals around and the waterfall a little further away. I admired it as Quackity pulled me down to sit next to him.

"How- how'd you know this was here?" I ask him, not taking my eyes off the ducklings swimming around. He stays silent for a bit.

"Uhm- I just- you know.. I saw it on my way to school..?" He didn't sound convincing at all but I shrugged.

"Cool..." My eyes stayed planted on the blue water in front of me. I heard him laugh a little so I turned around to look at him. "What?" I scoffed lightly.

"Nothing, it's just- you're... different." He admitted. I squinted my eyes at him but kept a smile on my face as I looked back at the grass.

"Oh- did I make you uncomfortable? I'm- I'm sorry!" He quickly spoke. I scoffed at how much he cared.

"No, no! I just don't know if that's a compliment or not." I looked at him with a smug smile as he giggled. God damn, how do I work this one out?

"Compliment, I swear." He finished off.

He looked away as he said that as I continued admiring his facial features. "Everyone seems to know you, how come?" He stammered. That's what brought me back to look at the water again.

I stayed quiet. How do I tell him I'm the laughing stock of this school? Exactly, by not telling him. "Oh, y'know. I'm friends with the popular kids and that makes me popular too.. I guess." I spoke.

He hummed in response but didn't say anything after that. I felt bad lying but if I told him the truth, his perspective of me would change completely and I don't want that.

"We should probably get to class." He smiled. I nodded, I had completely forgotten about school and time. My hand picked up my phone to check if we were late or not.

9:52AM. Period one was over and period two was close to ending. Quackity had walked off, I wonder what was on his mind. Instead of standing there thinking, I ran up next to him and stirred up a random conversation.

(1166 words)

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