8. Just Friends

1.2K 38 40

☆SONG: He Hit Me - Grizzly Bear

•Questioning Sexuality
•Sneaking out
•Mentions of cheating

Word count: 1354

(Also, over 1k reads? Holy shit!)

It's been about over a week after that whole kiss thing happened with Nick. Quackity couldn't get the heat, the passion, the everything, out of his head. It was stuck.

He's always questioned his sexuality but never had time to put a pin on it because of Schlatt. But, maybe with Sapnap, he can!

"Al, you wanna hang out with the group later?" George asked, taking a sip of his coke.

They had just gotten their food from some fast food place, eating at the benches at some park.

It was a nice day. Y'know, the wind is cool but it's generally pretty warm, the wind balances everything out.

"Uhm.. I'll have to ask Sam, but he'll probably say yeah." Alex smiled.

George scoffed and ate another chip. (sorry, FRY) "He's cool for a future dad. Especially with Foolish and Ponk tagging along." He said with his mouth full.

"To be honest, I don't know if Foolish is apart of them. I'll have to ask." He took a bite from the slice of pizza as George hummed.


"Sorry, Alex. But.. no." Sam sighed. Quackity rose his eyebrow, "What! Why not?" He whined.

Sam rolled his eyes, "It's dangerous to be out all the time! Especially with you know who lurking around." He muttered the last part.

Quackity huffed and nodded forcefully. He really wanted to go out but what can he do? He is scared of Schlatt finding him. Though, his friends would be there for him! It's really.. it's tempting.

"By the way.. uhm, is.. are you and Ponk with Foolish?" Quackity said quietly. Sam thought for a moment, "Oh! Nah, he's a close friend. He's like a side.. parent sort of thing- I don't know." He sighed. Quackity nodded and hummed.

He grabbed his phone and ran up the stairs as he dialed George's number. "Hey, man. Sam won't let me go." He huffed. George groaned in disappointment.

"I told you, dude!" He said. Quackity let his mouth drop open, "You didn't say shit! The fuck you mean?" He scoffed. George giggled, "Okay, okay, whatever. Just sneak out or something. We're all getting ready anyway." He muttered.

Quackity rose an eyebrow, "Wait, do you have a shirt on?" George went quiet, "What the hell, yes, yes I do." He said with an audible smile. Quackity laughed, "You fucking liar!"

George scoffed and quickly explained, "I'll be at your window in 30, get ready. I'm bringing the others too."

Quackity opened his mouth but no words came out other than, "What?" George hung up after that, leaving Alex with his thoughts as company.

"Can't be that bad.." He muttered to himself as he grabbed clothes and ran into the bathroom to shower.

Sooner or later, he was drying his hair. He had on a white t-shirt, a dark blue hoodie over it, and a pair of black ripped jeans with his blue converse sneakers. He decided to put on some bracelets and necklaces as he likes being extra on his outfits.

"Phew." He huffed when his hair was finally dry enough.

He grabbed his blue beanie and a black mask, they were going to the mall after all. He looked out the window to see nothing but grass.

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