3. Kinda Free

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☆SONG: Daddy issues - The Neighbourhood

•Mentioned abuse
•Signs of abuse
•Running away
Word count: 1186

Quackity stopped running at an alleyway. He was drenched in sweat and was breathing heavily as his legs felt like they were gonna burn off. He searched through his bag before pulling out his phone, dialing George's number.

He held his phone up to his ear as he listened to the ring that meant that it's waiting for someone to pick up.

He thought for a bit before canceling the call. He sat down and rested there as he took out a cigarette. He frowned slightly before lighting it with his lighter.

He set it in a comfortable place in his mouth and closed his eyes. "Uh- are you alright?" Someone asks quietly. Quackity got startled at the sudden voice and clenched onto his bag before realizing it's just a random man.

He took the cigarette out, "Yeah, I'm fine." He muttered. The other male rose an eyebrow, "I don't know if I can trust that judging by all those wounds."

Quackity squinted his eyes at him, "And who are you to care? Don't you have somewhere to be or something?" He said as he stuck the cigarette back into his mouth. The other sighed, "Well you're stubborn.." he said quietly.

"What're you doing here at this time anyway?" Quackity looked up at him, "It's none of your concern, alright?" He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, I'm Sam." He stuck out his hand. Quackity hummed and shook the others hand. "Quackity."

Sam smiled, "You seem tired, where do you come from?" He questioned. Quackity sighed, "Ex's house. I sort of.. escaped." He mumbled.

Sam's smile faded, "Oh- I'm sorry." Quackity scoffed, "I don't need an apology, it's fine." Sam nodded, "Wanna stay at my place?" He suggested.

"If it's not a bother, that'd be great." He shrugged. Sam smiled proudly, "Great! I live not too far from here but far enough for you not to worry about- y'know who."

Quackity stood up and picked up his bag, thanking Sam. The taller took the lead as Quackity walked to the side of him, both of them smiling as doing so.


Sam pushed the door of his fairly large house open and held the door for the other. Quackity walked into the house in amazement as he looked from wall to wall.

"Welcome! There's a guest room upstairs so don't be afraid to get comfortable." Sam smiled cheerfully.

Quackity smiled back before hugging the taller, "Thank you so much." His words muffled because of Sam's T-Shirt.

"You're welcome." Sam hugged back. When they pulled apart, Quackity was told where the guest room was and made sure to go check it out. Sam smiled as he watched the boy run up the stairs in excitement.

Quackity entered the guest room that held a large bed and a fairly big TV. He smiled and looked around to find the closet-.. bathroom which he had mistaken for the closet. He saw the shower that had transparent walls but it was pretty impossible to see anything in there.

He looked up at the mirror in complete shock as it had LED lights behind it. His smiled soon faded when he caught a glimpse of himself.

His face was all bruised up and held a large scar from almost his chin up to just barely past his left eyebrow.

The shorter teared up a bit as he couldn't even comprehend the fact that he was finally safe.

He huffed out a scoff in disbelief and walked out of the bathroom before finally finding the closet. He grabbed his bag and took out the clothes he packed.

"Should've watched as I grabbed things.." He muttered to himself as he took out a white button up that belongs to Schlatt.

Nonetheless, he hung it up anyway. As he stared at the shirt, his mind would give him mental images of the last time he saw the shirt, stained with his blood.

He sighed and forced the thoughts away before continuing to hang things up.

He came across a beanie that was given to him as a gift for Christmas from Schlatt. He hummed before putting it on, a smile tugging at his lips.

"That fits you." Sam's voice erupted. Quackity flinched at the voice before he laughed and accepted Sam's compliment. "Thanks." He finally smiled.

Sam scoffed, "I cooked something for you! I don't know if you'll like it but come down when you're ready." Quackity looked the taller in the eyes and nodded.

Sam walked out and left Quackity in shock. The last time he had someone prepare food for him was at that one restaurant owned by this one really kind woman.

He forgot her name but was certain it started with an "N". He was surprised he remembered that day since it was more that 2 years ago.

After finally settling down, he walked downstairs, holding onto the railing of the stairs. "Hey uh, Sam, was it?" He said softly before being startled at the sudden stares of two other men.

"Who's he?" One of them asks. Sam looks over at Quackity, "Just a friend. He had no where to stay." He said calmly. The other male had some kind of red ski mask on and shrugged before walking over to Quackity.

"I'm Ponk!" He said with an obvious smile although you couldn't see it due to the mask.

"Quackity.." He smiled back. The other at the island of the kitchen raised an eyebrow at Sam before walking over as well.

He seemed like a mix of a shark, human, and something else Quackity couldn't quite put his finger on. All three of the men were tall compared to Quackity.

- By tall I mean he had to look up at them to speak with them.

The male in front of him had an expression of shock and worry in his face as he stared at Quackitys face and the bruises everywhere.

"Holy shit, what happened?" He asked quickly. Sam turned around before he noticed what he was talking about.

"Foolish, no need to get all personal with him!" Ponk said as he glanced at Quackity. The shortest of the three looked down at his feet.

"Alright, alright, sorry. Can I at least bandage you up?" Foolish said, looking at Quackity for his consent.

Quackity looked up and nodded with a small smile. Foolish smiled back and took him upstairs into the bathroom of Sam and Ponks room. He took out the first-aid kit and took out the gause and other things.

"Tell me if it stings, alright?" Foolish said, obviously worried for the shorter. Quackity nodded and Foolish started wrapping the gause around the open wounds on Quackitys arms and legs.

He got lost in his thoughts as Foolish continued. He finally took in the fact that he's safe, he isn't gonna feel disgusting every morning after every night Schlatt took advantage of him, he isn't gonna get the nasty wounds, the punishments anymore. He's safe with people who care about him.

He has people who care about him. Actual people.. real people. HUMANS!

"You okay?" Foolish asked softly. Quackity flinched as his thoughts faded and he felt the sting on his leg.

"Agh- yeah. I'm fine, I'm great, I'm.. free."

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