4. Good day

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☆SONG: it's alright :)- Kevin Walkman.

•No tw's!<3
Word count: 1198


Quackity fluttered his eyes open at the sudden call of his name. "Quackity!" Sam called.

He sat up in the bed and pulled the blanket off, rushing into the bathroom as he called back; "I'll be down in a bit!"

It was a Saturday morning only it was A LOT more different since Schlatt was gone. He sighed and grabbed the toothbrush that was set out for him. He added toothpaste to it and rinsed it with water before sticking it into his mouth. Then he got a call, from George.

"Hello?" He says muffled due to the toothbrush.

"Hey, do you wanna hang out today? I've got nothing to do and I'm near to where you live." George said. Quackity thinks for a bit before spitting out the paste and agreeing.

"Thank god! I'll come over." He said with an audible smile. Quackity smiled before realizing,

"Uh- I'm at a friend's house. I'll.. text you the address." He chuckled nervously.

George hummed, "M'kay.. I'll be 'round in about 30 minutes-ish?"

Quackity smiled, "Sure, see you."

George hung up and Quackity continued brushing his teeth before choking on the paste in his mouth and spitting it out into the sink. George is gonna see the bad state he's in. How stupid could I be!? He thought to himself.

He huffed and decided to roll with it, acting as if he got into a fight with some street gang or something. Anything could work as long as it's not obvious Schlatt did it.

He finished brushing his teeth and walked downstairs. He was gonna shower but he had 20 minutes until George got there. Not long enough for a shower and a meal.

He hopped off the last step and looked over at Sam with a smile, "What'd you cook?" He asked while walking over to him. Sam laughed lightly and showed him the pan holding the pancake batter.

"Also, surprise, surprise~" He heard Ponk tease.

Quackity looked over at Ponk who held registration papers for.. something. He rose an eyebrow and Ponk rolled his eyes,

"We got you into a school! Or- yeah a school!.. right?" He looked over at Foolish for confirmation which Foolish replied with a cheeky smile and a nod.

Quackitys eyes widened, no, no way, this can't be happening. "If you don't like the school we can transfer you to a school of a friend?" Ponk said lightly.

Quackity sighed, "Thanks, you guys."

Sam chuckled. "That's what friends are for! Or should I say, guardians?" Foolish smiled.

Quackity smiled back and ran over to Foolish, hugging him tightly as Foolish patted Quackitys arm. Sam smiled warmly and set out a plate with two pancakes stacked on one another.

He handed Quackity a bottle of syrup, "Eat up, there's butter if you want some?" Quackity nodded at Sam's words and Sam added a small slice of butter to the top.

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