11. First Day

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☆SONG: Just My Type - The Vamps

•Slight Homophobia

Karl Jacobs. He was the boy Quackity had fallen for before even knowing his name. He's a 5'11 brunette with the dream of who knows what. The boy was often made fun of for such little he knew when it came to school.

Karl made it through school with his pretty looks. Often, he'd pay a guy to do his schoolwork with a payment involving.. well, not money. Though, he had never fallen in love.

His best friend, Nick, Sapnap, thinks it's a good idea to get fake ID's to get into clubs for the women. Little did Sapnap know, Karl has absolutely 0 interest in women. He had pushed off the thought of not liking women but it's really gotten to him this year.

"He's charming, I'll say that." My classmate's words caught my attention. I look around and hear everyone talking about the same dude, is he new? I eavesdrop on more and more conversations until I finally get his name.

"Alexis Maldonado, please report to the principal's office immediately."

Sounds like I'm in for a surprise. I lay back in my chair and relax until... "Hey, whore." A voice erupts. I mentally punch myself in the face but I open my gray-blue eyes and look into the girl's brown ones.

"What do you want?" I sigh and relax again. "I want YOU to stop hooking up with my boyfriend." She scoffs. I roll my eyes and smile, "Then tell your boyfriend to stop agreeing to it." I said back at her and she stared right into my eyes and furrowed her eyebrows.

I go to stand up but she slaps me. My arm shoves her out of my way since.. I don't wanna hurt her. I'm being completely honest when I say that. All of what I've done may seem bad but I really just don't want anyone to get hurt. Even though I do hook up with a lot of people's partners.

"Jacobs!" The assistant principal walks up to me and grabs my arm. The hallways are filled with "Oooo"'s and small laughter. I raise my eyebrow at the elder man, am I about to get...

He shoves me into the principal's room and I spot George talking with someone. I raise my eyebrows and go a light pink, new kid. I look at the principal who was snickering at the expression I held towards "Alexis".

I roll my eyes and walk up to her, "What did I do this time?" I sigh which shuts her up. I feel eyes on me but I don't say anything, I'm glad this Alex guy sees me. That's not a bad thing.. right?

"Seems like.. yesterday. You punched a kid, Karl." She said strictly, "You know the consequences." I roll my eyes and look down before looking at her confused,

"He called me a slur, what do you expect me to do!?" I was angry at this point.

The elder rose an eyebrow, "What slur? Elaborate." She said.

I scoff, "The slur used against.. y'know, the LGBTQ+ community." I said.

She sighed, "Still isn't a reason to punch him." My eyes open wide and my mouth drops in shock.

"What!?" I hear another voice shout before i feel someone walking up next to me while George tries pulling him back. I look over at the guy and he looks at the principal in disbelief.

The elder lady crosses her arms and glares at the raven-haired boy. I look down and notice our elbows touching. I hear the two people argue but I'm too focused on the dude beside me.

I move my eyes from our elbows, up his arm.. he was pretty muscular but it was very light. My eyes traveled to his neck next. I stared at it, my mind completely taking over.. God, I just wanted to - ugh.

Right when I was about to move again I heard my name. "Huh?" I muttered and looked over at the principal.

She rose an eyebrow, "Ugh- just.. go back to class. George-" I looked over at where George was sitting and he was gone.

I looked at the assistant principal and laughed slightly. "Alright, Karl, give Alex a quick guide of the school and go back to class." My eyes widened, fuck. I was about to say something but the boy grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the office room.

"I- uhm..- hey.." I mumbled and scratched the back of my head nervously. Alex laughed lightly, "Cool to meet you, Jacobs." He smiled at me. I noticed our hands still locked and my face got even hotter.

"Of course- yeah- uh huh.." I've never been this flustered around a guy before. Alex has set some weird kind of affection on me and it made me feel all kinds of nervous around him and I met the guy 10 minutes ago.

Alex waves in front of my eyes since I had frozen. "Helloo? Karlll?" He said.

I snap back into reality and scoff lightly. "Uh- sorry- where do you wanna go first, Alex?" I choked out.

Alex smiled, "You can call me Quackity. You're first to know both names in under 12 minutes." He giggled.

My stomach fluttered with all kinds of emotion, fuck. I laughed lightly, "What an honor!" I joke nervously. Quackity laughs along with me and I start guiding him throughout the school, starting with the music room.


As he guided me towards wherever the music room is, I couldn't stop looking at him. I know, it sounds obsessive but I couldn't help myself. I didn't think I'd be face to face with a guy I fell for through a photo.

I sighed and let the confidence take over as I looked throughout the baby blue room. It was beautiful, especially the black electric guitar I had spotted and subconsciously pointed to.

"Woah! Does anyone play that?" I say and look over at the fluffy-haired boy standing in the doorway. He looks my way and smiles, I love his smile already..

He shakes his head to signify a no. I smile and look back at the guitar in excitement. I hear him walking up behind me, "You know how to play?" He said softly.

I hummed, "I used to play at my middle school but I don't know if I remember much." I said truthfully.

Karl was probably the third person to know about that other than George, Dream, and my mom. He was genuinely special to me- god, I am pathetic.

"Nice, you can try it out if you'd like. I don't mind skipping." He smiled warmly. My face got warmer at the smile that radiated off of him but I looked away before he could see anything.

I wrapped the strap around my shoulder and picked up a pretty cool chip. I placed my hand around it, it fit perfectly. As I strummed the guitar nicely, all the memories hit me like a wave. I laugh fondly and start playing a cool little tune perfectly. My head turns around to look at Karl who had a wide smile.

"Holy shit, dude!" He said excitedly. I blushed lightly but smiled when he wrapped his arm around my neck, "You're good!" He shouted and laughed.

I looked down at the guitar with a huge smile, maybe this school isn't too bad.

(1226 words)

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