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TW// Racist white people

5 weeks 

5 god damn weeks being locked in a cage on this ship heading to god knows where. these past weeks have been the worst of my life. during the long voyage the days started to blend together it was borderline impossible to tell if it was day or night. my wrist was starting to bruise from the tight chains and then the fact that they were linked to the wall didn't help, they didn't feed us, and the only type of water we got was from when it rained. I've come to know the young boy in the cell across from me his name was Moses he was taken from his home in Nigeria trying to protect his mother and younger sister from slavers, he is only 17 years old not much younger than me. 

my thoughts were interrupted by the ship jerking to a stop, voices could be heard above deck but there were too many to just pick one out. next thing I knew a bunch of white men started to come from the above deck and started to remove people from the cages, some of them were trying to hold on but most were being thrown to the floor and dragged. it wasn't until they got to Moses that I said something

"HEY WHERE ARE YOU TAKING US, IT'S BEEN FIVE DAMN WEEKS ON THIS SHIP AND YOU'RE GOING TO TELL ME SOMETHING" I demanded the white man just looked at me like I was crazy before saying something

"you're in Georgia, welcome to America nigger" 

oh he has lost his mind I walked up to the bars but the chains stopped me halfway. the man laughed and dragged Moses away just then another white man came to my cell he looked about my height and dirty he unlocked it

"stay back" I stepped back as he opened the sliding door I waited for him to get a good way into my cell 

"I'm warning," I told him before I switched my feet and kicked him as hard as I could in the gut. the kick sent him flying into the bars he hit his head and was knocked out slowly falling to the floor I walked over to him and searched him for keys to the chains. I found a ring of keys and started to unlock them, I finally found the right key and undid my restraints. I didn't hesitate to make a run for it, running past empty cages I made it to the stairs and went up them I was almost immediately blinded by the bright sun. when my eyes quickly adjusted I tried to make a run for the exit of the ship but as I made my way down the ramp I was punched across the face sending me to the floor. I held my right cheek and groaned in pain I sat up to see who punch me and a man about 5'10 stood over me holding his knuckles

"tsk tsk tsk, you ain't even on a plantation yet and ya tryin to run," he said with a southern accent 

"touch me again and I'll have your head on a stick" truth is I'm scared as hell right now but I can't let him know that, captain said never let them know you're scared or else they win. 

"ooh I'm scared" he grabbed me by my arm and yanked me off the floor with my arms behind my back "how'd this one get out"

"drop dead and I'll tell you" he chuckled that's when the scrawny white boy from earlier came from below holding his head

"she knocked me out and stole my keys," he said slurring his words a bit 

damn did I hit him that hard?

"looks like we got ourselves a fighter," his grip on my arms got tighter causing me to wince in pain he then started to escort me through a crowd of people and into a red brick building where he pushed me into a room with all of the others from the boat and locked us in another jail cell there some people in here from the boat and others I have never seen before.

"I look forward to breaking you" he tipped his hat at me with a smirk but his smirk quickly went away when I spat in his face. he was completely in raged by this and grabbed me harshly by my face and throat pulling me into the bars of the cell

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