The Hard part

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It's never easy trying to do the mature thing when you're upset or hurt.
No that doesn't mean hiding ur tears
No it's not saying you're fine in a situation when you clearly wanna break down in
It's ok to feel afraid while trying to work things out in your problems
That's the hard part of it all, accepting the truth
To tell the truth about your feelings when you don't wanna feel that way you do
Confronting your loved ones and other with a close relation to you
Whether they have any relationship with you at all or not,
confrontation itself is an ability that many are unable to do
Be it to someone, or be it about something
To stand and express your feelings is something you grew up into loosing- in this society of ours
Overtime making you feel as if your nothing and all that you feel is irrelevant
Convincing yourself, you're of no value
Unable to do the right things for yourself to prevent you from falling into that hole of darkness
Darkness can be your friend but without the light, your no longer able to be an entity of yourself, your shadow now becoming the oceans that swallows you whole
So cry- if you must.
If you hurt, do not belittle or believe yourself to be weak
Your true strength shows when you build yourself up to be able to express those hidden thoughts and emotions-
To be able to value and appreciate who you are without the needing of others to say so
Just because it's hard, it makes you afraid
Its easier just to lie with your "I'm fines"
Express yourself, learn to love it and accept it without feeling the need to second guess yourself or demean your well being as this society made you believe true
To love yourself-

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