The Strange in me

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Why do you look at me with such confusion, tears want to fall from those eyes you hold back from.
How can something so natural seem so foreign-

Is it really so weird to want to be embraced every now and then; since you can't glue yourself together

Is there anything peculiar in wanting to say you're not fine as your chest clenches itself on the inside

What's so strange about your natural ways
What's your offense to such a usual way of being-
From whom were you convinced that it wasn't ok

You stare endlessly, lost-, and almost stupidly as you ask on repeat what it is you do could be so wrong-





What made you see that your Normal wasn't to be accepted.

What in their right and knowledge gave them claim to tell you that it wasn't ok to be you

"Oh you're strange"

You let them build you with more doubt to carry on your already breaking back

It's all just the cycle of life given to me and you
A gift offered to you the day you were born

If we weren't made to love along with these marked foreign normalities, then clearly we ought to be the heartless monstrosities we try to be Like that internet celebrity living in their life of lies that is so called perfection...


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