Another beauty Standard

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That saying, "beauty is pain"
Told just to say deal with it, if it means you'll be pretty
Standards held high for yourself, built with your own self conscious of beauty

Given that new meaning, in order to feel such beauty you must feel pain.
Life has its falls, moments of hurt where we feel unable to lift ourselves against what pressure weighs on our shoulders

If such suffering was our process to break from cacoons like caterpillars, to reach the ability to be seen as lovely
Then life itself is to be seen in such way too?

When we train ourselves until we collapse
Running, swimming, and leaping through the aches and obstacles in order to obtain the sense of accomplishment
That of which we suffer mentally to tell ourselves to push forward
And physically as we break ourselves to become stronger
All of which is a process we put ourselves through that includes strain of some kind
Discomfort in others

We torment ourselves through our daily struggles, feeling unable to go another day even
Life full of its moments, treacherous, and exhilarating
Still to be known as beautiful
Saddened it may seem, certainly nothing as a fairytale told to be
Perfection is unknown in this great world we inhabit as our own
Charm and all things beautiful are still considered as we live through our everyday, that some could be of pain

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