The Fear in Differences

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We fight.
How do we know that it's right?

My skin differs from your own, ever changing with the weather

Is it my culture or my appearance that scares you; attracts you

Like fields of flowers, fields of crop
We all take up space, just not all in the same place

Notice their differences
Their colors and unique shapes
Some being edible, other built for another purpose for the sake of life to succeed elsewhere

Look at these and tell me how you discriminate.
Tell me how you say one rose is better than the other when gifting a bouquet

Each organism serves it's purpose in beauty or in health
To provide for something other than humans greeds or needs

Though occasionally there appears some wild life hurting other
Better known as invasive!
Unrecognizable by the land
And yet it was our influence of ideas, our lack of caution and care that brought species to hurt and devour

Similar to our ways of neglect for someones needs
Our way of segregating and not looking past one way of vision
That brings others to violence as means to survive

Each of us are no different than the other
Full of similarities
Our emotions full of hard comprehension
Yet we aim with such yearn to seek disgust within ourselves

Maybe its our poor education
Our growing lack to form connections as we see nothing past a screen forming further dysmorphias and fears from our mistakes and blemish existence
Aiming for perfection from too many different views

We create enough pain we ought to all be considered inhumane.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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