A Push too Far

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There's limits to everything
Its past scars left its print on your skin
The skin in your soul and mind
They later intertwine, mixed, you're stuck horribly transfixed
A constant itching in the back of your mind filling more with the questions you overfill on
Ready to burst at any moments notice
Though you continue to lie
Say "its ok", because you can figure your way out
Words having yet to hold true to its meaning as you wander aimlessly through a maze of worries and doubts
Dead end at each turn
You slip, time suddenly moving in slow motion as you see the ground approach closer
Silent tears stream down gently caressing your cheek with it's cold salty tastes
You hang from a cliff high above the pit of the abyss with just your finger
Another obstacle in face while your on the break of all madness
Slowly slithering down, around the arm so heavy with sorrow
Fear and anxiety cause you to sweat, your reach now lifted off the rocked ledge
You now fall endlessly through nothingness
Exits non existent
Your entering now covered from your sights
You reach out your hand with hesitation as you have little hope to those who'd save you
The rest of you sinks down continuously as you felt unwanted to begin with.

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