Define me

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We all look to each other
Copying one another
Thinking what we have is us

We don't know the difference between finding yourself beautiful and actually loving yourself

What are we if we don't have the other one we need
We're needy and greedy
We claim love only to deny it later

You play as me saying it's what you really may be
How do we define "me"
In all that we do, we run away from the me that we are

Some think of themselves as pure
Others see our sins
Others hate themselves along with the world as too many of us share many similarities we may despise of ourselves

Instead of trying to grow, we simply eliminate ourselves from it's presence as if maybe something would then change
Only to be surprised that it's later been repeated so many times as you've played your favorite song
As many times as you've looked back on your mistakes and call yourself a fool

We choose our favorite stories to hear because it is either a place of fantasies you believed could not be real
The unrealistic goals are able to be obtained in a place where you haven't

You choose something you would like to see yourself in, to escape
Or to relate to a being created in the story
Watching and seeing as they struggle the way you do
Seeing as they would perhaps build up or crumble

Those similarities we like to relate to one another with is those same reasons we also may choose to hate another for

We can't define the me in we on our own
Everyone has their own journey but it doesn't mean it all has to be taken alone

Every mistake does not have to be atoned
To make mistakes you discovered you've tried
To try and fail at it is nothing to shame
We all fail

We grow too
We're not known to be perfect
Nor will we ever be
No one is special
But everyone can be seen as special

No one belongs we just exist
Its not wrong to exist
If we lived as long as we have it's cause it was told as something we all did together
Even in war
Though not the prettiest of things
It's done together

All working to be stronger to fight a longer battle
Just as you would and should as you live with the war of yourself
The war with all things hard in your life

We all grieve we all hurt
Some, like bones won't be entirely fixable
But hey we're all here
And as long as we're here, we'll all define our me's with we

And everyday you'll define it more, even when you're stuck
You find yourself in others as well as days go on
You find them as they find you

They see the things you can't
We define the me
No one is the same but we all share similarities

No one claimed the me was good
And no one claimed you couldn't make mistakes
We are the me
And together we'll grow to be a better me
A better we
In hope that someday that me doesn't have to be perfect or right

Only a thing to be accepted that as we wrong, it doesn't always have to be the bad in me or anything

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