Chapter Five

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An array of yellow diamonds lay elegantly in a gold shaped bracelet, the dainty design is connected by smaller crystals and pearls the size of seeds. All of it put together resembles an intricate vine, extravagant enough to catch stares but delicate enough to wear on the daily. Olympia clasps the bracelet with a soft awed smile on her lips at her grandfather's present. The jewelry piece is quick to join the other bracelets on her right wrist.

Come the morning, Apollo had owled her wand and as an apology for his continuous absence, he had given her a new accessory.

Olympia smiles again before letting out a small sigh. She glances at the watch on her left wrist, another present Apollo had given her. However, this had been a parting gift before she left for Ilvermorny. The watch was a classic design, with a white clock face and roman numbers to tell time, the strap made of Hebridean Black dragon hide, topping it off with a gold case and buckle. The back of it had her family's crest, a familiar black and intimidating three headed dog.

"Are we the only two people ready?"

She looks up at the sound of Blaise's voice, watching him try and fail to fix the tie of his suit before sighing in defeat, earning him a snort from her. "It seems like we are. May I?" She signals to his crooked tie with a tilt of her head.

Blaise nods gratefully, letting her fix his knotted mess. "Is it safe to assume you will be rooting for Bulgaria?" He questions.

"Pardon?" Olympia looks up at him with furrowed brows.

Blaise gestures at her persona. "Your clothes — you are wearing Bulgaria's colors."

Glancing down, Olympia realizes the truth to his words. She was dressed in a short black turtleneck dress with boots of the same hue, but to add color to her appearance and hopefully vanquish the cold of the evening, she decided to wear a thick red fur coat on top. "Oh — I didn't realize it." She says in barely a whisper before shrugging in dismiss. "If I am brutally honest, I am not particularly thrilled about today's game."

"Why not? Honestly, one would believe that you of all people would have Quidditch on a pedestal." Blaise comments, staring at the now perfectly placed tie.

Olympia frowns again. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You know — isn't your grandfather a retired professional player? Draco said he used to play Seeker for the Montrose Magpies, and they are the most successful team in History."

Olympia straightens her spine and pulls back her shoulders, slowly fiddling with the locket in her chest and rings on her fingers. She found it hard to explain how her grandmother forbade Apollo of ever bonding with her through his sport. According to Aveline, Quidditch had been one of the reasons Xenia became a disgrace to their family and she wouldn't make the same mistakes with her. Thus, Olympia was never taught how to ride a broom, let alone chase after a Snitch.

"He was their Seeker for years, but we never really talked about it." She says, choosing her words carefully. "Some things are better left in the past. Quidditch just happened to be one of them for us."

Blaise frowns at her words, but before he can say anything else, the Malfoys walk through the archway, each of them sporting their signature black. Narcissa smiles and Draco walks over to them, nodding in acknowledgment.

"Do you children have everything with you? Wands?" She asks while eyeing the elves that will apparate them to the game.

All three teens check their pockets before nodding in unison.

"Very well then." She says, grabbing onto her husband and motioning for them to do the same with the raggedly dressed creatures. Olympia stares down at the small elf, reminiscing on her very own back in Greece. She gives the elf a small smile that is eagerly returned, before feeling the familiar pull in her navel.

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