chapter ten ~

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~maddy lively ~

i drive home, feeling the wind blow through my hair i skipped the rest of the day i just needed time i cant believe faith would say something like that especially when my dad has done a lot for her. lets just put it this way she wouldn't even be able to go to collage if my dad didn't do what he did that night.

i push my key into the door and open it quietly hoping everyone is asleep and luckily it seems like they are. i pull my phone out and see its 2 in the morning. im going to get the biggest lecture anyone could come up with tomorrow.

well later on today but you know what i mean

i creep up the stairs trying my hardest to avoid the areas where it makes the floorboards crack my dads a light sleeper you see he would defiantly think someone broke in if he heard the boards crack. i made it to my door slowly sighing in relief. i lock it and turn around until a gasp leaves my mouth a hand covering it.

i feel her nails digging into the side of my face and i know who it is imminently, i grab her hand and move it from my mouth. ''get out'' i say whisper shouting while pointing at the door. ''please let me explain'' she says walking over to me. ''maddy please'' faith begs and i sigh in frustration.

i just want to shower and sleep is that so hard to do. ''what do you want'' i say crossing my arms ''are you here to make more lies up about my family'' i said walking over to my dresser to get out a pair of pjs and clothes for tomorrow.

again later on today.

''i want to explain why i said it'' she says sitting at my desk ''there shouldn't be anything to explain because you shouldn't have said anything'' i say walking into the bathroom to get changed. after im done i walk out to her still there ''especially when you know its not true'' i add walking over to the edge of my bed to sit.

''so explain'' i say getting tired of her just staring at me. she clears her throat while shuffling in the desk chair. she only does that when she's uncomfortable ''faith what happened '' i ask getting more concerned by the minuet she's usually a very open person but right now its like she's been locked up and someone's thrown away the key.

''Bianca she-'' she started talking but stopped and looked away. ''she what'' i question wanting to know why she's been spreading bullshit about my family , and what Bianca did. ''she found a photo of me from last summer and she threatened to post it if i didn't tell her some new gossip she can use for entertainment'' she admitted looking down.

it took me a while to put the pieces together. ''faith do you mean the photo of you and that preppy boy from stone hall'' i question making sure im correct before i start throwing around accusations, she just nods her head. ''she especially asked for something on you because she thinks your life is perfect''

i mentally scoff at that my life is far from perfect let me tell you that.

''i guess she just wanted to ruin your reputation'' she says filling the silence.'' reputation of what'' i question mostly to myself not to her but she still shrugs. ''i love you maddy your like a little sister to me why would i willingly throw you under the bus?'' i nod my head starting to feel guilty for the girl.

''im so sorry i get it if you hate me but please dont think i wont try and make this right'' she says standing up and walking towards my door. ''faith'' i whisper as she turns around. ''i get why you did it, but im not going to forgive you over-night'' i say still feeling the ache of betrayal in my stomach.

''i respect that'' she replies standing in my doorway ''this may be a ridiculous question but can i sleep-over my mom will kill me if she finds out i even snuck out in the first place'' she questions with a little smile. although i hate her she is right her mom will kill her.

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