chapter fourty-one

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~maddy lively~

Our guests start to arrive and the food is starting to cook we are defiantly going to have a good night i honestly cant see anything going wrong tonight. im currently sat with amelia and Lydia in the living room watching my younger cousins play to make sure they dont start fighting.

my dad and auntie's are in the kitchen cooking while Aliyah went out to buy some chocolate sprinkles for the hot-chocolates tonight.

''im honestly so jealous of you right now'' Lydia says still admiring my dress, she came through they door and acted the most dramatic ive ever seen her when she saw me, ''im not because i knew how beautiful maddy was going to look'' amelia says pulling a strand of hair out to frame her face.

jay walks into the living room, his eyes catch onto mine making him turn around and walk out. i sigh throwing myself back against the couch, what the hell is going on with him. ''just give it time mads im sure he will come around'' Lydia says with a reassuring hand on my knee, ''now tell us all the gossip about you and lucas i wanna know all the details'' Lydia says the last bit with a wink and i shove her lightly.

''hes honestly the most sweet person ive ever met, i mean he makes me feel wanted in so many ways and i honestly dont think ive ever loved anyone more'' i admit making the two girls squeal, ''girls whats going on in here'' amelias mom asks coming to sit by us, i honestly love her mom shes so sweet and caring, she even sat me down and gave me some good advice when i was at a low point in my life.

''we are taking about maddys new boyfriend'' Lydia says making amelias mom squeal just like her daughter did a few minuets ago, ''oh my gosh honey you have to tell me everything, how did you meet him? is he treating you right? he better be because i dont want non of my girls hurt'' she says making me laugh lightly.

''his name is lucas hes a year older then me and i met him by bumping into eachother in the hall way at school also by our phones getting swapped and yes he is treating me the best ive ever been treated i think in my hole life'' i admit making her smile, i see her look behind me and her smile falters.

i turn around to see the last person who should have heard that. deigo i slowly get up, but he just stops me. ''the best you have ever been treated huh?'' he says bitterly, ''maddy did i not treat you good enough, was my best not enough for you?'' he questions getting alittle louder, i try and quite him down slightly, ''no deigo i didn't mean you best wasn't enough, i just have a different relationship with lucas then i did with you that's all'' i see him shake his head before looking back up at me. his eyes are red, he looks like hes going to cry.

''deigo'' i say but before i can finish he storms out of the house, i run after him not wanting to lose my friendship with this boy. ''deigo please stop, please listen to me'' i say grabbing his shoulder but he just pulls away. ''deigo sinclair'' i say making him stop in his tracks, ''dont you walk away from me'' i say making him turn around, marching up to me with full force.

''was i not enough?'' he questions and i shake my head, ''you where enough deigo i swear but life got in the way of us and you know that'' i say making his eyes water even more, ''maddy ive almost give my life for you, i would give my life for you maddy if it ment that you where untouched and safe'' he says running a frustrated hand through his hair. ''i let you in mads i dont let people in you should know that by now'' i nod my head over and over not knowing what to say.

''ill never be enough for you, im never enough for anyone apparently'' he says so quite i can barely hear it but i did, ''deigo dont say that your enough your enough for me your enough for your mom you-'' before i could finish he stops me, ''do you wanna know why i was so excited to come here tonight?'' he question and i nod my head wrapping my arms around my torso for heat.

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