chapter eleven ~

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~maddy lively~

we got to school, I can feel the nervousness radiate off of faiths body I wish she just stayed home she didn't deserve this, I know she spread all that stuff about jay and me but that photo is life ruining, when it was first taken I remember just holding faith in my arms for weeks at a time just to comfort her.

while we walk towards the bench faith looks around tears in her eyes, she's pushing herself and its not fair, ''I could take you home '' I say to her as we get closer to the bench ''no I need to be here'' she says folding her arms over her stomach, ''you look lovely faith, just breath'' I say quietly as we sit down

Lydia puts a comforting arm over faiths shoulder while amelia whispers soft sorrows to her. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out and read the message.

~unknown number~

'your next bitch' x

I look up from my phone and see Bianca across the parking lot laughing In our direction with her friends, ''maddy'' I turn around to be faced with callum,lucas and marcus trailing behind them, ''yes'' I question them ''can we sit'' I raise an eyebrow confused as to why they want to sit here, a couple of seconds pass '' sit then'' tyler says looking at the boys just as confused as I am.

I look back at Bianca to see her staring right back at me, glaring daggers at my friends. I bet its her who sent the message. I see her whisper something to a girl next to her making them all giggle while looking at faith and I cant take it anymore.

I place my bag next to tylers feet ''hold this'' I say to lucas handing him my phone he looks up confused '' what its not like you haven't touched my phone before'' I say grabbing his hand and placing it there.

''what are you doing'' I hear jay whisper across the table trying not to cause to much attention to us since faith is still getting comforted ''what I should have done ages ago'' I say taking my ear rings out and tying my hair up. I take one last look at Bianca just to see her smirking at me.

im up out of my seat and making my way over to her ignoring faiths shouts bringing the attention from others outside, I reach her and before she can say anything I connect my fist with her face making her stumble back I see her holding her nose and finally look up at me, she launches her self at me grabbing me and pulling me onto the ground , I feel her fists connecting with my face.

I bring my knee between her legs and jolt it up making her fall forward over me , I quickly copy the position she was just in straddling her hips I connect my fist with her face over

and over

and over


all I can see it red but im not done, I can hear everyone around us chanting fight but Im not going to stop she deserves this. ''your a little bitch'' I say still punching her. she reaches her hand up and pulls my hair back making my back bend she mange's to get up still holding my hair. ''you fight like a girl'' I say grabbing the back of her head and slamming it into my bare knee making her fall onto the floor. ''you want some more bitch'' I say going to hit her again until I feel a pair of hands grab around my waist pulling me through the crowd.

''no '' I say trying to break free from there grasp ''let me finish'' I say again trying to push myself away, I bring my elbow back and connect it into there lower stomach making there grip loosen enough for me to go back, until jay appears infront of me '' maddy stop'' he says holding my shoulders. ''you telling me she doesn't deserve everything I have planned to do to her when I get back over there'' I question breathing hard. ''just chill for a god dam minuet and think'' I try to push past him but he stops me '' im not saying she doesn't deserve it but think about what the consequence's will be for you''

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