chapter twenty-six

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~maddy lively~

i carry the trays of hot food up to the church door. i kick it open lightly walking in to place the tray of deliciousness onto the table. its a charity event today and my family have been invited to host our famous mac and cheese, now trust me when i say ive never eaten anything even close to being as good as this food, all thanks to my dad and his cooking skills.

i got a call from my grandma today saying nelly is doing well, she couldn't keep up with everything after witnessing what happened with jay so she decided she wanted to live with her grandma, which is totally fine i just miss her little face, i will have to go visit her soon, preferably when we break up for Halloween, there is a chill in the air today so i decided to wear a fleece over my t-shirt since its getting colder as its October.

i get a cup of coffee from the lovely old lady and go and sit outside i know i just said its getting colder but its nice today. i find a bench to sit at and reach for my phone taking it out and looking at the messages ive received. my dad said hes on his way and that's about it, i haven't heard off anyone for hours and its starting to bother me abit i know people have there own lives but usually Lydia will message me about how her basketball coach isn't treating her fairly or amelia will send me cute pictures of cats to brighten up my day, as she says, but right now there is nothing.

i think some of them will show up tonight since its a local thing. the leaves scatter across the floor dancing in the wind and it makes me smile at how free they look, a car pulls up and i see deigo kane and damon all get out and start heading over to the church doors, i forgot they are locals to so they would be here, after that night i haven't spoken to deigo to see if hes ok and i think hes avoiding me but then again so is lucas and i have no idea what ive done to either of them. i see a figure approach me i look up to see kane sit down next to me. ''why are you sitting outside its freezing'' he asks dressed in his coat with a warm fleece underneath. i shrug, ''i guess i just wanted some time outside'' he nods his head and i look behind him to see deigo and damon stood further away from us. deigo just looking down and damon trying to talk to him. ha good luck with that deigo dosent listen to any advice given to him, ''we will be inside if you want to sit with us'' kane says getting up and walking back over to the boys before they walk into the church leaving me alone once again.

my phone buzzes in my pocket and i pull it out to see a text from my dad.


-running late be there in 20 minuets.

i sigh and put my phone back into my pocket ive finished my coffee now and its started raining i walk back into the church and see amelia and her mom sat at a table laughing with a man who i dont know. amelia makes eye-contact with me and smiles waving me over to her, i smile back and walk over to her. she gets up and hugs me. ''ive missed you'' she says and i laugh lightly yea the feeling is mutual amelia. ''oh hello maddy its so good to see you'' Mrs.knight says as she hugs me. i smile back. ''and you, how is the shop doing'' Amelia's mom owns a little flower shop in the town center its very beautiful. ''its going amazing hunny we got our second big order this week so im abit tired but i couldn't miss out of this reunion'' she laughs and i smile lightly i look at amelia whos giggling next to me.

i furrow my eyebrows in question before she motions to the corner of the room, my eyes follow her and i see deigo kane and damon all playing around, trying to throw marshmallows into each others mouths, i look and see some disapproving looks coming from the other new comers who might not know what these boys are like. i see the head of the church start to walk over probably to kick them since non of them came with a parent. i quickly walk over and stop him. ''hello, priest how are you doing today?'' i question making him stop and smile. ''oh maddy how good it is to see you here, im doing very well how about yourself?'' he questions completely forgetting about the boys being immature.

''im doing well thank you ive been staying out of trouble and my dad even made our famous mac and cheese'' i say and he smiles,''im happy your staying out of trouble and i cant wait to try it'' he says and i smile. ''did you know amelia is here with her mother?'' i question and he looks around. ''ah yes if you excuse me i need to talk to her about something, stay safe maddy'' he says and i smile waving lightly. i turn back around and see the boys still messing around.

''can you three knock it off for tonight?'' i question but making it sound more like a demand ''your causing a scene'' i say snatching the few marshmallows out of deigos hand that he was going to throw at damon. ''maddy we are having fun try it sometime you never know you might be able to drop this stuck up act you have had lately'' damon says making deigo snort, i look over at him and throw him a questionable look he would never let anyone talk to me like that. i dont need sticking up for but it was nice to know he has my back if i needed it.

''fine whatever have your fun but dont come whining to me when you fuck up your lives because you cant control yourselves for one night'' i say putting the marshmallows back into deigos hand before walking away. i see my dad and jay walk in and i finally smile lightly. i haven't spoken to jay or Lydia since i found them shacked up together buts its whatever. ''maddy sorry im late hunny work got busy'' my dad says hugging me and i hug him back relaxing lightly sometimes you just need a hug from someone you love.

''you ok sweetheart?'' he questions rubbing my back lightly and i nod. i pull away to look at him. ''yes im just tired'' i admit and he nods. ''you dont have to stay you can always go home'' he says and i shake my head. ''no dad i want to be here,'' i say and he raises an eye-brow questioning me. ''come on i cant miss out on you winning the best food competition for the second time in a row now can i'' i say making him laugh, ''actually it was three times but whatever'' he says and i push his shoulder laughing, he excuses himself and walks over to someone and now its just me and jay left with each other.

''maddy i-'' before he could finish i wrap my arms around him and hug him, ''just for tonight forget that im mad at you, i need a brother right now'' i say and he laughs hugging me back. we pull part and i see the priest get onto the stage to start talking. me and jay find out seats next to our dad and focus our attention on the stage and the words hes saying.

i could feel a burning gaze on the back of my head i hesitate before turning around, my face goes pale and my breathing picks up. what the fuck?! i think the priest saw her aswell because he stops and clears his throat before carrying on his speech, jay looks at me and i try to smile but my eyes start to water. ''whats wrong?'' he questions quietly and i just motion to the back of the room. he looks back and then looks at me with a pitiful look.

my mothers here.


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