chapter fourty-six

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~maddy lively~

Me and tyler both look behind us to see someone i thought i would never see, my mom she comes into the room with a gun in her hand, ''step away from my daughter you worthless piece of shit'' she says before pointing the gun at tyler. i take this opportunity to start untying my friends. i get to amelia first my hands shakily undoing the knots, when her hands are free she starts untying her feet.

i move onto deigo quickly untying his ones, tyler is distracted by whatever him and my mom are talking about, kane is next but before i can get to his tyler must have clocked onto me. ''stop'' he says pointing his knife at the body of damon whos been knocked out, by the plank of wood im guessing he tried using on me. he runs his hand over damons face. ''you know honestly i wouldn't mind just letting you all go'' he says circling me like im some kind of prey he can torment.

''so why dont you?'' i question him playing him at his own game. he moves my hair from my shoulder so he can whisper in my ear, ''because i want to watch you suffer'' he says before kicking me in the back of the legs making me collapse to the floor. ''maddy'' deigo shouts but i put my hand up too stop his from moving tyler grabs my hair making me look at him ''your a fighter right maddy'' he questions and i just look back at my mom whos been grabbed by some of his other men. i nod my head yes answering his question

'' then start acting like it'' he says before punching me making my head snap to the side. he pushes me down onto the concreate, with the accidents injures and now this my head is spinning. he turns back to my mom and i get up making eye contact with amelia as i do she gives me a worried look but i just wipe the blood from my mouth.

i reach into my back pocket grabbing the little pocket knife, i have on me at all times. its small but it will do i place it between my fists before running and jumping onto tylers back. he makes a groaning noise when i dig the knife into his side. i wrap my arm around his neck pulling it closer to my body. hes swinging me around like im some kind of rag doll but im holding on for dear life.

deigo and kane break free from their restraints and run over to attack the boys who are holding my mom while amelia is tending to damon, tylers head launches back into my nose and i hiss at the contact. son of a bitch i let go holding my nose i look down and see the blood spilling out.

i see his boys go and grab him, ''maddy lively is a street fighter your a prize fighter there is a difference'' one of them says to tyler while i smirk. he goes to come after me again but they grab him. ''you dont know me nobody does i want my respect'' tyler says and i grin. ''well come and get it'' i say signalling my hands as to say come here.

he swings for me but i doge them bringing my fist into an upper cut, connecting it with his chin. i bring my left fist into a hook and connect that aswell making him fall to the floor. i run over to help my mom up. ''we need to leave now'' i say as we all start running towards the door, i yank the handle but its no use the door wont budge. ''for god sake!'' i shout kicking the door. ''maddy we need to get out of here'' amelia says and i snap, ''i know just give me a minuet'' i say furiously breathing in and out quickly. ''maddy lively!!'' i hear tyler shout from the main room in the hall, i grab amelias hand dragging them all through the Wearhouse, i open a door but it just leads back out into the big room.

a whistle bellows through the air before tyler appears again, this time he doesn't say anything he just charges for me, rugby tackling me to the ground, my back connects with the concrete causing me to lose air in my lungs i take a couple of deep breaths and bring my knee up to kick him between his legs. he goes over my head and i get up trying to control my breathing.

i motion for us to all run through the door he came through but before i could take a step he grabs my hair pulling me back he uppercuts me making my body sway slightly, the area from the accident is throbbing and i hear ringing sound in my ears, i fall to one knee holding my head. all of a sudden flashbacks start running through my head. memories of that night with Lydia. when i first met deigo, getting sent to juvie for the first time,bashing into lucas in the hallway,trying to teach kayla how to throw a punch,my first fight, finding my mom unconscious from an overdose,seeing jay in the hospital, the car coming at me with full speed, my moms boyfriend hitting me for the first time. the voices and pleads coming from either tyler or my friends are muffled by the flashbacks the words from my old trainer suddenly pop into my head before he passed. 'dont give up now do one more round, get up dont let this guy get off easy hes no machine i didn't hear no bell maddy get up now!'

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