|| Secret Out ||

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" If you love something, set it free!
If it comes back to you, it's yours ;
If it doesn't, it never was. "

After taking her inside, the head nurse applies anaesthesia on Riddhima and Mrs D'Souza goes to Vansh who is sitting by placing his face in between his hands and with closed eyes. Understanding his inner emotions, she places her right hand on his back at which Vansh comes to reality.

Being conscious all of a sudden, he looks at the doctor with red eyes and gets up abruptly. Mrs D'Souza asks him to sit patiently and places the form on his hands. Seeing the confirmation of his child's murder, his hands start to tremble. All those emotions make him weak for the moment and he feels to be selfish for a while so that he could keep the baby with him. But the single thought of losing Riddhima forever makes him halt and he questions himself how could he think like that?

Mrs D'Souza speaks softly before leaving him alone for a moment - "This is not a death certificate to yours unborn kid....remember, it's a process to keep YOUR WIFE alive and close to your heart which is gonna bring more babies in future!"

The helpless father in Vansh looks at her with teary eyes and closes his eyes there only. Taking a exasperated sigh, he thinks of the past life in extreme guilt and vows to make her recovered anyhow to bring beautiful future in their life. And issuing this death certificate to his unborn kid as a father will always make him guilty for being such a horrible person and a pathetic husband also, for hiding the truth from Riddhima. But he's bound to the situation.

Controlling the sobs, he takes the pen out from his pocket and fills up the form and ticks on the column of husband and signs underneath.

A warm tear line comes out from his left eye and he gets up with a lone look. As he's to submit it on reception so he starts to go through the corridor and in between his eyes fall on a pregnant couple. How the glow is making the woman a new bride and the man is pampering her with a side hug while looking at some scan picture .. it's enough to make him cry silently.

More tears gather at the corner of his eyes and he wipes those to get a clear vision when his eyes fall on a father ; the middle aged man is walking with a tiny girl in his arms....may be his daughter, thinks a helpless father! The girl is having a cut on her knee..might be she's fallen while playing or doing naughtiness..there are dry tear marks on her cheeks while the man is animating a story which is not only distracting the kid but she's laughing too. The panick and pain on the man's eyes could be noticed from far but the father is doing everything not to make the child cry.

He couldn't walk more and quickly hands over the form to the receptionist who mumbles something which he's not paid his ears at. Going to the corner chair, he sits as a failure. The two different images are revolving around his head like a reality check. If only she's been well....that's when his own words start to echo on his ears and he curses himself for a thousand times to say something evil to her....he blames his cursed words for their loss. If only he could have the time machine to go to past and change it..then they don't have to see this day..but is it?

Things doesn't change as per human wishes..it'll happen if it is to! It's called destiny.


After one or two hours later, he's asked to take Riddhima home and give her a healthy atmosphere so that they could start the therapy soon.

Keeping his own pain and wound aside, he maintains the strong stature before her and brings her home ; surprising all, he hasn't given a chance to Riddhima to walk and has taken her in his arms. A very surprised Riddhima has looked on his eyes to see a blank expression and she has a sad smile on her lips....whatever she's going to face in future, he'll not bend before! Her death also doesn't seem to melt his stone heart....her emotions are less valued and she's receiving punishment of the crime she's not done. She's never wished to become someone's death but this destiny has played with her life such a way she feels loser! Today when she finds him with blank expression, she knows she's failed as a woman, as a wife and as a lover to make her man happy. HER MAN?....questions her inner self and she concludes it's better to leave those emotions to feel less weight....he'll never reciprocate her emotions so why she's burdening herself more with that thought? Let's live her time in this world with those emotions buried in her heart.

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