||The Next Chapter of Life||

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I am living proof that a shattered heart can still beat.
- Maryellen Dennis

Suddenly not so surprisingly, a hot tear falls down by pricking her own heart.

Each and every moment, she remembers them - her kids. With a paining heart, she takes the beautiful photograph of hers and her babies. How much she misses them!

She, Riddhima - a twenty two years old orphan and abandoned person is strong enough to fight with the painful radiation of chemotherapy but not the screaming urges of her own heart. Whenever she remembers of her companions in that prison like mansion, a heart shattering wail pours her heart. But the quick it comes, that soon it goes also....because till now she couldn't pace easily with the information that her Siya could stab her bhabhi maa by siding with him!?

Siya has easily accomodated with the fact that one unborn baby has been snatched from its mother, without no fault on his or her part!

It's just only the baby was going to be born from an orphan mother who's blamed for killing two important persons in her own husband's life and that also unknowingly. Is her sin so cruel that no one could forgive her to accept the baby's life?

Whenever she feels from a mother's perspective, she feels angry on herself to think of those persons who have never cared for her or have showcased their false feelings. But a traitor in her somehow comes out to take side for his siblings, as if they too are scapegoat to the fate.

As far her thoughts go on, the arguments inside also become deeper every second. No one could read her thoughts but the gloomy face and teary eyes speak louder than words.

All of a sudden, she feels a comfy touch on her cheeks and smiles sadly knowing who this could be!

All her life she's dreamt of having a family, to belong to someone else but each and every time her feelings have been crushed thoroughly. Nobody has ever shown her that much possessiveness, except for her soul sister. Though his siblings have always, but now after the betrayal of Siya she feels the alternate.

That day after leaving the cursed mansion, she's had no desire to live again ; her last level of temperance has been broken to know a father could hold that much vengeance to kill his own baby in his right mind. And knowing her little baby, her Siya to know it all along she's lost it to get lost in the chill night, among millions of people.

Outside the station, she's faced a tremendous crowd and has been shocked to know people could be in this much hurry in this hour of night also. And that night has been as much a curse to her, it's been a boon also. She's met Anushka, Prabhas and their only son at that night.

They've been returning by visiting Anushka's brother. In happiness to get jelled up with the little Shravan, Riddhima has forgotten to think clearly where to go and has gone with them in the same train. In that whole journey, she's been too emotional to find the baby that her heart wrenching sobs have been listened by Anushka.

Though she's not opened up to Anushka at the first place but after a while she's only whispered a little to tell the whole story : He's killed his own..no, my baby!


With a lure, Shivali wriggles her brows : "So now when I've famished all your doubts, could I get a standing ovation? I mean, see, it's too higher than your thoughts to find out why how and with whom I've tricked a millions of people and now I've helped you in bringing it out..so isn't it your duty now to complete the gratitude to give me some space?
I don't want to go to jail. And what have I done to deserve a caged life, with that intelligence of mine!?"

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