Chapter 67- tagteam love

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The next time I see (Y/N), it's long after she's been whisked away by the hyungs; long after she's been scented and coaxed down from her pheromone high and had the company of the rest of the pack, because their scents cling to her, burrow deep into her skin and entangle with the sleepy warmth of her slow, tired shuffles.

She doesn't appear early morning, she doesn't appear with the usual bustle to get up, she appears sleepily rumpled and padding into the living room with quiet footsteps and still clad in a pair of pyjamas that hang too loosely over her slender, curved frame.

Padding about dazed and drowsy, eyes blinking sluggishly and ears flickering, stumbling about with a sleepy disorientation that tugs at my heartstrings, at every instincts and winds them around her pinky finger, muffling a yawn behind the loose sprawl of the pyjama top.

And curled around her, arms looped around her waist and shuffling along is Yoongi hyung, head burrowed against her neck, small stumbling steps the two take together, the scent of citrus and vanilla heavier... warmer. Laced with sleep and fatigue and the warm pulse of their scents entangling and coaxing each other's to trickle out sweeter.

There's no hiding in the daylight just how deeply her marks have coloured, how vividly the prominent claims are, deep hues of reds and purples and the embedded trace of where teeth and fangs had hungrily sunk into flesh to reel out the sticky sweet anise in heavier, headier waves until it coated my tongue, until it was all I could taste and breathe; head swimming with just her. Her scent in all its rich intoxicating beauty.

And right now as she stumbles, body sleepily tilting against Yoongi hyung's, he continues to nuzzle lightly at skin, chasing the fiery ache that had burned viscerally in my gut, had moved with the intent to mate my fawn all over again; glands so wonderfully receptive and sensitive to even the lightest stimulations. But that roaring ache has dwindled, flickering embers of heat akin to a hearth, to the feeling of being wrapped in blankets and tucked. This warmth seeps outwards from the fluttering pulse of my heart and pulses through my veins as I watch their incoordination slowly draw them inside.

See her drooping eyes flicker to me, lips curved in a sleepy smile, ears flickering and directing their slow shuffle to the large sofa I'd been curled up on; folders open and still not ready for work.

"Joonie..." she mumbles as she approaches, sinking down gladly against my side, bodies manoeuvring as Yoongi hyung curls against her and she in turn curls against me, settling against me and peering sluggishly at the papers as her hand curls against my waist loosely.

Clutches loosely at the fabric.

"Already up and at it officer?"

He mumbles in sleepy assent, as if out of habit more than anything the first thing he's processed was the trafficker case; still hovering over all our heads. That even if he's still sleepy and sluggish himself, he's just unconsciously chosen to pour over the files again.

As if constantly nit-picking every detail will allow him to glean more information than he already had scoured from the files.

The words blur in and out of focus, too sleepy to pick up on anything as I look at them before a hand reaches to bat at them, tugging them out of my already slack grip and lean to set them onto the coffee table.

I whine, low and keening and petulant. A half-hearted fuss that quietens when (Y/N) sinks against my side again, my own body shifts and turns to accommodate the entangled sprawl of her and hyung, lips curving up into a fond smile at their sleepy tilt.

"You won't find anything if you don't nap and snuggle." She mumbles blearily, her usual wide doe eyes fluttering open and shut with contentment, head curled as she rests against my side, arm wrapped around her, weight loosely settled on mine.

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