Chapter 38- actions speak louder than words

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(Y/N) re-enters the living room, hair damp and beginning to curl slightly as it dries, fidgeting with the sleeves of the too-large jumper she wears, clearly made for a much broader frame, as she pads in, ears flicking and twitching, rumpled slightly.

Yoongi hyung and Tae were yet to appear, not yet finished with showering. But given how many delighted deep giggles I could hear seeping out from one of the bathrooms when we'd entered; I knew they were going to be some time.

My eyes drift to her, settle on her and watch. Oddly drawn to the look of pink tinting her cheeks, to the way her eyes fluttered as she took a deep breath. Scrunching shut for an instant.

There's a look of focus and concentration on her face when they open, brows scrunched as she steps in, scanning and searching for something. And then the look on her face changes.

Turns at once soft and eager and excited. Warm and gentle.

Jin hyung turns at the sight of her stepping close, lips stretched into a wide smile and his wings flutter. Black obsidian feathers that stretch out and the sound of flapping, body twisting from where he was perched on the armchair that Kookie was all tucked up on.

"Hey sweetheart...oh!" he begins, cut off by her suddenly darting in, brushing against his wing as she ducks close. His face is pleasantly surprised, melting into a look of tenderness when she wraps her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Jin hyung twists so he can face her properly, arms wrapping around her, eyes lighting up. Hyung's hands reach out for her, legs parting to draw her between them, knees touching on either side of hers as he brings her closer to him. His wings flap and rustle, extending out to their full wing span before they're curving inwards, folding around (Y/N) and hiding her from sight. Cocooned within black wings and tucked away.

And Jin hyung looks delighted, peering down between the little cocoon his wings make and smiling, the sound of a soft giggle appearing when his head ducks to press a smatter of kisses to her temple.

"What a lovely surprise." He beams.

And when she emerges from his winged embrace, his wings flap and settle behind him, tucked up once more, even if his gaze looks longing, looks as if he wants to drag her between his arms and curve his wings around her once more. His hands that had been cupping her cheeks fall away, beaming and radiant, hands resting on her arms where he'd tugged her forward.

But she doesn't flush or linger, unhesitant or shy, she just easily slips away with a small smile to make a beeline for the armchair, Kookie's ears perking upright when he looks at her. I watch Kookie wriggle from under the blanket, arms impatiently pushing themselves free as he reaches for her, smiling at the smatter of kisses she presses to his temple, to his cheeks and one to the tip of his nose. He scrunches it, nose twitching slightly and toothy grin spreading across his lips but when she moves to hug him, his arms wind around her and tug her close. Her head ducks under to settle under him when he brings her close, hooking his chin over the crown of her head and nuzzling, rubbing his chin over her, eager drags as he scents.


That's what Jin hyung had called the nuzzling whenever Kookie had hooked over Jin hyung to rest his head on top, dragging his chin over hyung's head and scenting. A happy bunny chined.

That meant Kookie was extremely happy, instinctually too as he nuzzled and chined. Rubbing his scent over her.

And there was this ease about the way he folded her close, a familiarity and comfortability in the way she leant in and rest her head against his neck. Something so sweet and gentle and soothing about the sight of trust and intimacy between them. Bodies pressed close in a sweet embrace. Mutually giving and taking comfort.

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