Chapter 1- snippets of lives

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I smile to my reflection, straightening my jumper before going to try and tame my curls. But after a while I give up, content with the way they don't cover or brush irritatingly against my ears, smiling at how fluffy and clean they look.

My bag sits on the bed waiting for me to pick it up. And once I've deemed myself ready, tail swishing excitedly behind me, I head into the living room. Ears perked up and ready, awaiting praise and compliments from my two hyungs when I enter their line of vision.

Yoongi hyung is first, shooting me a relaxed but happy smile and a thumbs up from his curled-up state on the sofa, raising his head to take in the sight of me.

I pout when I see that Hobi hyung is so immersed in his studying, only snapping his head up when Yoongi hyung hisses warningly at him.

For neglecting me. His already bright eyes seem to glow more, happily raking them over me, over the way the jeans mould my legs.

"Tae-ah, you heading out soon?" Hobi hyung asks, now abandoning his sprawled-out books and the laptop in front of him to peer at me with undivided attention, eyes wide and ears perked up as he looks at me, eyes fully alert and focused, as he always is when it comes to studying.

I nod, smiling at the way Yoongi hyung sighs but unfurls from his curled-up position on the couch, from where he had a clear view of Hobi hyung working and me where I stood in the doorway. He pads over, tail swaying lightly as he makes his way over and when he stops in front of me, I gently but my head into the side of his neck, breathing in his scent and feeling a rumble begin to grow from deep in my chest when he runs his fingers from the nape of my neck, up through my hair and scratching lightly at the base of my ears, my own tail beginning to happily sway behind me.

"Aigoo you big baby, all it takes is a little scenting and you're the happiest cub around." Hobi hyung remarks and then my ears catch on the sound of books moving and the soft careful padding of his feet as he makes his way over, pressing a small kiss to the nape of my neck before hugging me from behind.

I nod, happily leaning my head further into Yoongi hyung's touch, who for all his stoic face outside is a huge softie, and right now there's a smile playing on his lips as he pets my ears, shifting so I can nestle further into his neck and leave trails of my scent behind, smelling the overlapped scents of Yoongi hyung and me that's left behind when I lift my head.

I separate myself from hyung's hug, turning to briefly nuzzle his neck before moving into the hallway to tug on my shoes.

"Take care Taehyungie." Yoongi hyung says, having followed me out whereas the sound of Hobi hyung settling back into his working corner can be heard.

I nod.

"You always say this hyung, I don't forget you know?" I say, turning my head to smile at him but he shoots me a hard stare.

He's not joking, never joking. Not about safety, never about going out and about. I know he worries; know he has good reason to.

I shoot him an apologetic look.

"You know I worry, so take care." He says, moving close and gently curving my neck to the side so he can brush his nose across my throat, gently scenting me- leaving a burst of his pheromones on me too.

And it's when the door shuts behind me and I begin the walk that I realise that it allows him to leave his claim on me, effectively deterring others from trying to give me their unwanted attention.

It makes my heart skip a beat when hyungs leave trails of their scent on me, it reminds me of how far we've come from our early days as a trio, how stiffly we'd tiptoed around each other, all of us craving the comfort being together could bring. It had taken Hobi hyung to set his eyes on us, and suddenly snap, on a day he'd been particularly stressed under the weight of his studies, when he'd asked in a voice that was both pent-up and slightly teary if it was too much to ask for if we could scent him, to help him calm down.

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