chapter two 💌

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Later that evening, after Olivia little rendezvous with Kie, she hops in her bedroom and change into her pyjamas top and bottom. Few hours later, she got a text message from the said brunette girl.

                                                                  Olivia put down her phone and walk to her bookshelf picking up 'Chamber of Secrets' and putting it down on her desk so she won't forget to bring it tomorrow for Pope

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Olivia put down her phone and walk to her bookshelf picking up 'Chamber of Secrets' and putting it down on her desk so she won't forget to bring it tomorrow for Pope. Grabbing another book from the bookshelf, she decided to read a few pages from her current read until she dozed off to sleep.


The HMS Pogue floated down the marsh a bit before reaching to Kie's stop. "Good morning boys." Kie greeted them while Olivia followed her along from the back.

"Morning." John B greeted her back.

"Whoa whoa why is she also here?" JJ commented about Olivia's presence.

"I invited her here and I think Pope did too." Kie defended the girl who got over to the boat and take her seat next to Pope.

"Hell yeah I did , did you bring it?" Pope asked excitedly.

"Of course, here ya go." Olivia replied giving him the book.

JJ gave both of them a look before turning to John B. "You're actually okay with her being here?" JJ asked.

"I'm fine actually plus she also sponsored a shit ton of food and beers." John B replied while pointing a finger at the cooler that Olivia brought from her house.

Olivia gave him a thankful smile and John B nodded at her.

JJ rolled his eyes without saying anything since John B was right about one thing.

The beers.

JJ would definitely let her pay her way into the squad with beers.

The boat soared out into the open air, the wind flying through Olivia's hair as the HMS splashed through the water.

JJ was in fact cool down now since she did sponsored the beers and he's currently drinking it. The teens laughed about something that Olivia didn't understand which make her feels like an outsider. Pope noticed this and quickly talk to her about the book that she gave him.

Their talk was interrupt by JJ who went to stand in front of the boat. "Bet you can't do this. A party trick." He said before pulling a beer and holding it above him. "Hey Pope, can we go a little faster?"

"Here we go, I'm movin'." Pope said while increasing the boat speed.

"It doesn't work, we tried this like 6000 times." John B exclaimed as he went to sit down in the back. Olivia observed JJ to see what party trick he was talking about.

"I got this, it's gonna work." JJ said before holding the beer above him so the wind would make the beer fly into his mouth.

"You're getting beer in my hair." Kie groaned as Olivia was also protecting her hair from the blonde boy action.

"Is this his so call party trick?" Olivia asked Kie before slightly shaking her hair from the beer. Kie just gave her a shrugged with an unamused look on her face.

"All right, you're done." John B complained before blocking his face with his hand.

Suddenly the boat stopped short causing all of them flying forward. JJ who was still in front of the boat got unlucky and fall right into the water.

Olivia lost her balance and hit her head on the side of the boat, slowly getting up and rubbing her head to soothe down the pain.

"You okay JJ?" John B asked the boy who fell into the water.

"I think my heels touched the back of my head." The blonde boy complained. "Pope what did you do?"

"I think it's the sandbar." Olivia answered on Pope's behalf.

"She's right. The channel changed."

"No shit but hey I saved the beer though." JJ shook his head while swimming back towards the boat.

Pope walked down to the front of the boat, looking down into the water in an attempt to give a hand to JJ. The smile from his face changed into curiosity when he noticed something. "Guys....I think there's a boat down there."

"Shut up."

"What? No way." Everyone was denying Pope statement but Olivia made her way to the front to see it for herself.

"Wait no guys, he's serious. There's a boat down there." Olivia said, her gaze now focused on the boat in the water.

Making their way to the front, the boat finally came to John B and Kie's view. "Holy shit, he's right. Let's go."

Olivia was confused when John B took his clothes off and Kie doing the same.

"Wait hold on Kie. Go where? Into the water?" Olivia asked, holding the brunette hand to make sure she was being serious.

"Yes obviously! You got swimming suit under your clothes right?" Kie grinned and help Olivia out of her tank top after she nodded. The girls held their hand with each other before jumping into the water together.

"You think there's a dead body in there?" Pope asked before quickly pulling his shirt off. "Guys, wait up!"

"Get your ass in here!"

Pope hastily jumped into the water making his way to his friends.

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