chapter nineteen 💌

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"Last week I was hospitalised because Rafe gave me a concussion, now you want me to be his date?" Olivia began as she stared at her own reflection, blue pastel silk gown with matching colour flower crown.

"I know Libby, but this will be good for you." Her mom said, helping Olivia zipped up the dress.

"For me or for you and your reputation?"

Her mom was silence for a while, staring at her in disbelief and then the expression was gone. "Libby please, just for one night. Be good and have fun."

"Alright." Olivia sighed, wanting to get away from this conversation. "But if he do anything dumb, I'm gonna make Joseph punches him."

"Don't cause a scene please." Melissa bop Olivia's nose and she went out of her bedroom.


About an hour later, the Jones family arrived at the Midsummers, Olivia quickly getting out of the car to find Kie before her mother drags her to Rafe Cameron.

Unfortunately, he found her first.

"Hey, you look pretty." Rafe teased.

"And you look like you accidentally dump the whole gel packaging onto your hair." Olivia replied.

"Okay fine. I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to slam you onto the ground, you were in my way." Rafe raised his hands in defeat. "Plus you have to paste on a smile for a while when you walked out of the entrance with me."

"I'm not doing that." Olivia shook her head.

"You have to. You're my date, remember?"

"This is pedophile." Olivia scrunched up her face in disgusted.

"C'mon Liv. It will be over before you even know it." Rafe held out his hand for Olivia to take.

She looked down at his hand for a while before grabbing it in defeat. He lead her to the back of the room where she saw Ward and Rose in the front. Rafe was the eldest so she had to go out with him first and then Sarah will go out with Topper and Wheezie. But Topper was nowhere to be found.

"I don't feel belong here." She tiptoed a little so Rafe can hear her whispered.

"It's fine, just pretend we're good friends." Rafe teased.

"No." She offered him a mocking smile.

Just a second later they make a grand entrance with each other. Everyone was cheering as they all started waving at other people. Well, everyone except Olivia. She darted her eyes towards the crowd, spotting Pope and Kiara who were looking at her in shock.

"Okay, bye Rafe." She unhooked their linking arms once they made their way to the front and sprinted towards Kie and Pope.

"What was that all about?" Kie asked Olivia once she finally arrived. "You're his date now?"

"I was forced. You know how my mom can be." Olivia sighed, grabbing one of the prawns that Pope had already cook and stuff it in her mouth. "This is sooo good. Can I have more?"

"Sure." Pope handed her a plate full of prawns, chuckling at her behaviour. "Exactly like JJ. Stealing food and all."

"I'm not like him. Shut up." Olivia argued.

Pope and Kie exchanged knowing glances at each other.


The sky darkened as the night took over of the day. Olivia was making her way to the drink bar when she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry." The girl heard a familiar voice, lifting her face up to see it was none other than JJ Maybank.

"Dude, we gotta stop meeting like this." Olivia crossed her arms together. "And since when did you become a waiter here?"

JJ looked up, taking her appearances and was in awe. He cleared his throats to make sure he doesn't say anything dumb. "I'm actually here for Sarah. Have you seen her?"

"Sarah? Why?" Olivia furrowed her eyebrows in the mix of confusion and annoyed.

"It's just- I'll tell you later." JJ slowly walked away from her, walking backwards towards Sarah. "You look pretty."

"What was that? I can't heard you." Olivia shouted over the laughter of the Kooks.

"I said you look shitty." JJ yelled back, looking nervous before he went away. Definitely said something dumb, dang it.

Olivia mouth turned up to a smile and she had to bite her lips to stop herself from smiling too much. He thought she was pretty? He was probably just teasing.


"Hey Pope, have you seen JJ?" Olivia was now back again beside Pope obviously stealing more seafood. "I bumped into him just now and I can't no longer find him."

"I'm actually not-" Pope doesn't had the chances to finish his sentences when a shout interrupted him.

"It's okay, everybody! Do not panic. Leave it to the men and women in uniform." It was JJ. Of course.

"Well speak of the devil." Olivia muttered, walking away from Pope to talk to her brother.

"He's something else." Joseph chuckled, chugging down the last drop of his drink.

"Rose! You look like Lady Liberty." JJ kept on rambling and Olivia let out a snorted at that sentences.

"Let go of him." Olivia heard Kie's voice interrupting. "You can't boot him! I invited him here. I'm a member of this club."

JJ took that as an opportunity to push the security guard away from him. "Sorry about that."

"Hey, mandatory power hour at Rixon's, Kie!" JJ shouted, pointing towards Kiara. "Pope you as well, all right?"

JJ then shifted his eyes towards Olivia, offering her a hint of teasing smile before yelling. "And you too, Libby! You're coming with us. Rixon's Cove. Let's roll."

"All right guys, come on. Workers of the world unite. Throw off your chains!"

"I said go for it." Joseph said to Olivia, giving her approval nod. She smiled to him and make her run towards JJ. She fell into his grasp and he gave her a spin as they hugged each other.

"That was insane!" Olivia said as JJ put her down, looking embarassed at his action just now.

"C'mon Kiara!" She hollered as Kie make her way to Olivia and gave her a hug, smiling at each other.

Pope took of his apron and despite his father's dissaproval, he ran towards John B, offering him a hug.

"Later losers!" John B screamed to the crowd and they all darted away from the party, a sound of laughter escaping from all five of the teenagers' mouth.


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