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You knew where this was going and you didn't like it one bit. But you had to do it. It was what Touya would want you to do. At least that's what you made yourself believe.

Your dad had gone off to work so you and Shoto were left to walk home by yourself. You both had a lot to think about - you thought mainly about Touya and Shoto and how quiet your twin had grown, what he thought about you didn't know - so it had been silent until now.

"So," you started as you stepped inside your home, "what's with the scar?"

He sighed. "Take a shower and then I'll fill you in with everything, alright?"

"Sure, thanks Sho," you shrugged, grabbing your backpack as you walked through the house that hadn't really changed all that much.


While drying your hair, you spotted a bit of the black dye on your towel. You smiled a bit, looking at the mirror and seeing your original hair colors - red and white - in some places.

You walked out of the bathroom and knocked on your brother's door.

"Come in," he said quietly.

"Hey," you said, going in. "I put my stuff in my old room already. Nothing has really changed, huh? But at the same time, everything has."

"You sound wise, Sis," he smiled, sitting down on the floor with you. "I'll tell you what's happened now and then it's your turn."

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