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He nodded, standing up. "That means we have to train. Come on, Y/n." You gave a smile to your siblings before scrambling up after your twin who was going to the garden.

"So," you started. "What can you do?"

"I prefer to use my right side more. Today was the first time for me to use my left. Because of father, y'know?" he asked quietly.

"Ahh, yeah, I get it," you nodded. "I use the right side more though. So I could remember Touya."

"Because your fire is blue?" he asked.

"Yeah," you nodded, igniting a small flame.

"It looks cool," he commented.

"Yeah," you nodded. "Okay, here's an idea. I'll see how big I can make it go before it gets out of control. And then we quickly put it out before it burns the house down."

"Sounds good," he nods.

You concentrated on the flame and it started slowly growing in your hand. As it started reaching your head, you raised your right hand and put it near your left hand's wrist, icing it a bit.

"What are you doing?" Shoto asked you.

"Since blue fire's at high temperatures, I could get serious burns which is why I'm cooling down my wrist right now," you explained.

"That's what the purple marks are?" he asked again.

"Yup," you nodded, putting the flame out. "Okay seems like fire's all good for me."

"Maybe it's about the emotions," Shoto murmured.

Your brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"You're super calm right now. But remember in the tent? You were angry," he explained his thoughts.

"That makes sense," you nodded. "It would also explain why the doctor didn't want us to stay together when we were kids."

"Because we couldn't control our own emotions?"

"Yeah," you nodded. "But here has to be something else, right? I mean... Nothing's ever that simple."

"Maybe it is," he shrugged. "Now let's get some real training done."

As he took a fighting stance, so did you. "You're on, Brother."

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