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"Thank you," you smiled before closing your fist and putting out the flame.

"The class is pretty nice," you commented while walking home with your brother. "I get why you'd want to be friends with them." You studied his face for any reaction but the most you could spot was a small smile. It was interesting how you were siblings since you were always so animated while talking and he barely showed any emotion.

"Yeah," he nodded in agreement, "Midoriya's the one who made me realize that using my left side is okay. In the battle that you stopped. Also, thanks for that. Both of us would've probably died." You only nodded in response, letting him continue. "And by the way, I also chose Father's agency."

"Oh that's cool," you smiled while turning your gaze back to the road and feeling excitement start to stir up in your stomach. "Then we can figure out if there's more to the twin thing. I actually want to find that out."

"Yeah," he nodded once again as your house came into view. "Train again today?"

"Oh you know it!" you exclaimed, opening the gate to the house's yard and walking towards the house. You also made a mental note that neither Fuyumi nor Natsuo weren't home yet. "After homework though, otherwise we'll get too stuck in training and forget about homework."

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