1 | A day like any other

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"Shouldn't you be on your way to your special gentlemans cell?", Laura teased as she entered our room.

I looked up from my letter and rolled my eyes. "He is not my 'special gentleman'. I am just very eager to fulfill my duty as an asgardian maid." I grinned.

"Oh, so that's why you volunteered to bring him his food every day", Laura said, returning the grin. She threw her apron on the coatrack and walked over to me, reading what I wrote on the yellowish parchment. "Eyes so green like the wide heaving meadows, with a spark so bright it outshines every star. Dark and tall, like every maidens dream, and still away so far." She giggled. "Yeah, definitly not a special gentleman."

I blushed. "Come on, you know I have a thing for him."

"Yes, I do. The point is, when does he get to know? I think you should show him one of these letters. At least let it slip into his cell or something."

I stared at her. "Are you mad? No, absolutely not." I started to put away the letter carefully in a box with the others. "Loki can never know. Who knows what he will think of me. It would be so embarassing, and you know he is not exactly the type to let these things go."

Laura chuckled. "No, he is not. I still think you should tell him. It has to be exhausting to sit around on all these feelings."

I sighed and put the letter box in my nightstand. "It is. But I simply can't tell him." I closed the nightstand. "Can you get the food? I will make myself ready to go now. Only five minutes left until his dinner."

Laura smiled. "Yes, I can do that. And besides, I heard a rumour in the kitchen that he likes the smell of mint. You can use your new perfume."

I poked my head out of the bathroom. "Oh, that's great, thank you. You are always so good with gossip."

Laura winked. "Everything for you two."

I blushed again and hurried to get ready.

A few minutes later, I was on my way with the tray into the dungeons. My mood was perfect, as always when I got to see him. But still, I was a little nervous. Loki tended to play little pranks on the maids that had to walk into his cell. Not that I would mind ... but still.

I went down the stairs and smiled brightly, seeing the corridor with the yellow shining cells. Right on my left was ... Loki's cell. He lied there and read a book.

I pressed the secret button to deactivate the magic barrier just for me, then I went inside and brought him the tray. "My prince, here is -" But then I realized he was gone. So another prank of his. I tried not to look too happy.

"Prince Loki?", I called. "Your food."

Suddenly it turned dark around me and I felt a snake slithering up my leg. I yelped and could only place the tray quickly on a table, then I stumbled backwards. "Oh my gods, is that you?"

A dark chuckle from behind me. I whirled around, only to see Loki walking towards me. I had to admit, his walk looked intimidating. His leather boots made heavy noises on the floor and added to the dramatic effect. My belly tingled and I swallowed. Then the snake hissed to remind me of its presence.

I looked down, and as I tried to catch it, it fizzled out into black smoke. The sudden darkness disappeared. Loki stood in front of me, crossing his arms in the light of the cell.

I mimicked his gesture and tried to make a serious face.

The corner of his mouth rose to a tiny smirk. "Are you mocking me, Loki, prince of Asgard?"

I loved that teasing sparkle in his eyes. His glance was so focused on me that he made it hard not to look away. "Are you playing pranks on me, the maid who is responsible for your food and could do anything she wants with it if she wanted?"

"So I am threatening you with death, and you threaten me with ..."

"Digestive problems?", I suggested.

Now both the corners of his mouth rose and I knew we were really trying not to laugh. Loki held my glance for a few more seconds.

"At least you are funny", he said, then he broke eye contact to walk over and look at his food. "What is it this time?"

"Potatoes with honey sauce, medium steak and different vegetables. I tried to talk the kitchen into making tesseract shaped blue jelly as dessert but they wouldn't do that."

Loki's eyebrows wandered halfway up his forehead. "Really?"

I snickered. "No. But if you make a special request, I think they could maybe make an arrangement ..."

Loki was as quick in my comfort zone as I could blink. He towered above me and my heart rate went up, I practically absorbed every beautiful detail of his being. The eyes, the black hair, the clean pale skin, the lips that curled up in a dangerous smile ...

"(Y/n) (L/n), you dare to make fun of me?"

I was amazed at how perfectly my name rolled off his tongue. "... maybe?"

He raised my chin with one finger. My breath hitched. "Nervous?", he asked and his eyes glittered.

I felt Loki's breath on my face. "No", I squeaked.

He smirked and glanced at me lips. Then he retreated and walked to his food. "See you tomorrow at breakfast, (y/n)."

I smiled and turned to leave. "See you, Loki."

He watched me climbing out of his cell, lightly smiling at my daring of addressing him without his titles.

I hope I put on enough make-up to hide my blush.

Unholy letters  |  Loki fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now