2 | Thank you

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I walked up the stairs to mine and Laura's bedroom. My step was cheerful, I was happy to see Loki as always. This wasn't just a small crush, it was a crush I had for Loki for years and years. I watched him train magic and trick Thor, and I more or less heard from and witnessed the drama about who should be king. My dislikes for Odin and my feelings for Loki rose to a new level as I listened to his Asgardian trial that banned him to the dungeons. I hid behind a column for that one.

I always watched from a distance and bringing food into his cell was the closest I ever got to him. And that made me scared I was just a thing to entertain him. Or that was what I thought in my darkest moments ... I had the feeling he started to like me. But who could know what was going on in that beautiful head?

I would love to spend more time with Loki, but Laura's plan to reveal my feelings was pure madness.

I walked into our chamber. Laura sticked her head out of the bathroom.

"You're back", she grinned. "How was it?"

"Wonderful as always", I answered. "I just ... it is hard to be close to someone I like so much without actually doing something about it."

Laura smiled sadly and came into the living room to hug me. Her hair was wet from the shower and fell into my face. "Don't worry", she said. "It will be better soon."

I looked up at her. "Why?"

She smirked. "I just have a feeling."

I screwed up my eyes to look sceptically at her and she laughed. "Don't think too much about that! I said it without a hidden meaning."

I sighed. "Well, at least I can bring him breakfast tomorrow."

Laura beamed and let go of me to continue her bedtime routine. "Yes, that will be great!"

I tilted my head, but maybe she was just in a good mood. Still, I had a weird feeling about this.

I shook it off and we went to bed. I got myself a small piece of parchment, thought a bit about what I wanted to write and finished the evening with a small note.

I love you, my Asgardian prince.

Then I put it in the box in my nightstand and went off to sleep.

The next morning, I made myself ready with a good mood. Seeing Loki in the morning was one of my favourite things.

"I put the meal tray on your desk", said Laura before she walked out. "Have a good day, see you at noon!"

"See you!", I called, then the door fell shut.

After I hopped into my maid outfit, I took the tray and started on my way to the dungeons. I greeted the fellow maids I came across and walked through the palace that was slightly golden in the morning light. As I stepped down the stairs to the dungeon, I felt the usual energy rising in my body. I was about to see Loki!

This time, Loki stood behind the barrier of his cell, his arms behind his back, towering over me.

I smiled at him. "Good morning!"

He smirked. "Hello."

A small pause arised which irritated me a bit. Nevertheless, I opened the barrier for me and brought in the breakfast.

"How did you sleep?", I asked him. "It's pancakes and scrambled eggs with bacon, by the way."

"I slept exceptionally well", Loki said. His glance scurried over my figure and then went back to my eyes.

My cheeks felt hot. What was he doing? Was that another prank of his?

I placed the tray on his desk. To my surprise, Loki handed me the empty tray from yesterdays dinner.

I looked up at him. He never did that. "T-thank you", I stuttered.

His eyes gave away nothing. The usual glitter and amusement was in them, and ... something else. I didn't know.

"You're welcome", he said. A smirk graced his face that made my breathing go faster.

I took the tray and more or less stumbled my way out of the cell. My mouth was completely dry. I threw a look back as I quickly walked out of the dungeon, and Loki still stood there, watching me leave.

It had to be another one of his pranks. Maybe he figured after the last one that I wasn't scared enough? But his pranks were never designed to really, seriously irritate me. It was like a child shouting 'boo'. Except the child having magic powers and being the prince of Asgard.

I walked faster, and then it happened: A small piece of parchment flew from the tray to the ground. I frowned and picked it up. On the yellow parchment was an elegant handwriting, in the most expensive, shiny black ink.

Thank you.

Besides my heart almost standing still, my frown deepened. Thank you for what? I mindlessy turned the paper around.

There it was. I put my hand in front of my mouth, the tray fell to the ground. On the back of the parchment, in my handwriting, was the poem I wrote yesterday before bringing his dinner to Loki.

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