Chapter 19

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The next morning, Slade was the first to wake up because he failed to fail asleep last night.  

The reason was because of the beautiful Goddess sleeping cutely next to him. It had been a week since his mate had the talk with his mother and slowly she was getting to know him, though they still had to work on her showing her affections.

He knew Nine's mating instincts were enormously dull compared to his so she didn't feel much love for him or suffer the way he is now. While she could function properly, Slade was having a lot more trouble. The mating pull was finally taking its toll on him.

He needed to mark Nine.

He had put it off for two months. He already saw the symptoms begin a month ago and did a good job in hiding it but now it was becoming unbearable. The effects of ignoring the pull had similar symptoms to that of a drug addict.

Slade would feel jumpy, his body would tremble and sweat whenever he was close to Nine. His moods would explode at even the slightest of trigger. His aggressiveness and sudden behaviour change was becoming more obvious to everyone around him and his family did speak to him about it but he reassured them that he would mark Nine.

He just needed to talk to her about the mark. To make her understand and pray that she would want to be by his side forever. But no matter what, it was going to be her decision and he would respect that.

Though deep down, Slade knew the real reason why he held off talking to her. He was hesitant for the simple reason if that Nine misunderstood the mark as a way of controlling her just like the way Victor used force.

Slade was terrified if she reverted back to cowering away from him because she feared him. He could not go through that again. He couldn't bare to see his mate hate him because of the hold he had on her.

That alone would kill him. Someone so important to you, hating your very existence because it reminds them of their tortured past.

He couldn't...he just couldn't go through that.  

Slade winced as he slowly got out of bed without waking her up. He could already feel himself begin to lightly sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead and his mind going a little hazy as he stumbled to the bathroom. He slowly made his way to the basin and leaned his hands on it.

He lifted his head to stare in the mirror.

Dark, purple circles shadowed under his eyes. His cheeks slightly hollow, making his cheek bones more prominent. And his green eyes looked so exhausted but the light in them just wouldn't go out.

Anyone could see he was suffering but Slade knew it was worth it for his mate.

He wish he could say the same for his wolf though. Lately he had been quiet and Slade couldn't blame him. He couldn't call out to his mate because Nine didn't have a she-wolf within her.

Lycans don't have soulmates.

For his wolf, Nine had to be treated as a human because he could not connect with her wolf and since Slade didn't mark her, he had to rely on Slade to gain her love and affection. It was the only thing that would keep his wolf going.

Sighing deeply, Slade lifted his hand to turn on the faucet. Cupping the cold water, he splashed it on his face and rubbed his eyes. Turning the water off, he straightened up and turned his head to the room where he could see Nine curled up on the bed.

He just needed to gather up the courage to speak to her. He needed to stop fearing the worse, he trusted Nine and if she misunderstood then he would do everything to make sure she gets it. 

Number 9: The Genetically Modified WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now