Chapter 13

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Just a quick reminder from the last chapter both Nine and Slade were in wolf form so the story continues from there. I’m telling you this coz I forgot…meep.

P.S Boy, do I have some pretty bad news for your guys after you read this chapter! And it's true!! So there's nothing you can do! Ha! Ha!

P.SS I'm not lying and this is not a prank thing that i tend to do from time to time... hehe!!


“Should I still give you a chance?” Nine questioned, watching the male intensely.

His decision will determine her future.

Slade felt like a ton of bricks crashed down on him. Now he understands his mate’s hesitation. She must think she’s not worthy to be a part of a pack and that she must always be treated like a monster.

However, Slade knew her she was right.

As an Alpha, he must think of his pack – making sure everyone is safe but then again, Nine was his mate and he could not live without her.

He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up as he pondered.

The answer was obvious but Slade hesitated only to find the right words to say to her. He did not want her to think that she was alone. Nine needs to know that he was there for her – that he will find a way to help her control the beast within her.

“Let me help you.” He said finally, looking up at her.

Nine tilted her head in confusion.

“We’ll find a way for you to gain better control, so you may be able to stop it before the beast takes command.” Slade explained and waited for her response nervously.

Her eyes showed her hesitance. Nine could not see anything bad about his offer and finally nodded her head. Either way she was the one benefitting most. Maybe she could learn how to survive with the beast?

Little did she know, Nine made a particular Alpha’s day. Slade forced himself to hide his excitement. At last he could be with his mate!

His emerald eyes shone brightly like a gem in the sunlight. Slade wanted nothing more than to spend more time and bond with his mate before he informed his family and friends of the good news.

And that’s what he planned to do.

He still had time to show his beautifully stubborn mate around. Slade was going to make sure he only showed places with barely anyone around, it was just going to be him and his mate.

Ah – the excitement was killing him.

Ok Slade, play it cool – you got this. He pumped himself up mentally.

“Thank you! Y-You won’t regret it!” Slade couldn’t contain the happiness in his voice and the way he rubbed his head against hers – almost groaning out in pleasure.

Dammit Slade – you idiot! He scolded himself and prepared for his mate to snap at him but to his utter surprise, Nine just dismissed him with a glare.

No bite? He thought.

If he was human, Slade would be grinning like a fool. Guess a wolfish grin would do for now!

Nine continued to glare at the strange male. She did not know that Alpha’s acted like those little brats, as Tori referred them to. She thought the term meant something bad, but she shrugged it off as a pack thing.

“D-Do you want to continue with the tour?” The Alpha asked her nervously, “I’ll show you places with less people around if that makes you more comfortable?”

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