Chapter 20

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Nine's hand snaked around Slade's neck and jerked him forward where her jaws opened wide and fangs pierced his tender skin.

He roared loudly and gripped her hips tightly. Pleasurable sensations exploded inside his body, causing his skin to prickle, heart race and mind go blank as her venom rushed through his veins.

But before the highly intense feelings faded, Slade gained control of his limbs and twisted his body along with Nine in his arms and pinned her against the wall. With her covered by his massive body, he leaned in and locked on to her exposed neck where he wasted not even a second in sinking his already sharpened teeth into her skin and allowed the cold, liquid to course through her.

Nine's eyes widened. The beast was roaring inside of her and tried to force his way out but she barely acknowledged him.

Her mind and body was solely focused on her mate.

Such unfamiliar feelings emerged as he marked her. She felt like she should never leave his side, to always be around him.

Nine was the first to let go. Still is shock at what happened.

Her breathing was heavy and eyes hooded as she fell from her high. A few seconds later, Slade followed but laid tender kisses over his mark on her neck. Not wanting to stop, he wrapped his arm around her waist and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

"My mate." He mumbled and held her tightly, "My Goddess. My Queen."

Her hands trailed down his firm chest to his muscular back where Nine wrapped her arms around him strongly and breathed in his scent that seemed to become more prominent to her senses.

"Slade...." She whimpered so softly, her voice sounding like she finally found someone who will treasure her.

"I'm here, Nine," He told her gently, "I'm not going anywhere." He promised.

Finally Slade understood everything that Nine had been hiding.

Her confusion, her fears, her insecurities.

If not for the beasts' dominant personality, Nine would be petrified of the new world around her. She lived in a world of abuse and torture but remained strong all by herself. It is because of the connection they had, that Slade understood that she just needed someone who was strong enough mentally and physically to handle her.

Dexter could only do so much but he was no match for the beast.  

"I understand Nine." He squeezed her even more as tears pricked the corner of his eyes,

"I finally understand."


The next day Nine had trouble leaving Slade's side.

It was like she didn't want to but at the same time, was annoyed at those feelings and wanted to rebel against it. She would have done it, if not for whenever Slade looked at her or smiles or is in close proximity...just basically his whole presence was making it hard for her.

Suddenly her stomach would feel sick, her heart would feel it jumped out of her chest and thoughts of her touching him would go through her head and then the next thing she knows, she is touching her mate - her hands wondering all over his body.

Slade who was basking in her undivided attention did not do a single thing to stop her. For him, he felt beyond over the moon and way above cloud nine because his very own Nine was feeling the full force of the mating pull and it would take time before it calmed down. But until then...

Number 9: The Genetically Modified WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now