Chapter 17

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Yawning and rubbing his eyes, Slade lazily looked at the ceiling. By the light coming from the balcony he could guess the sun as still rising. His memory of last night caught up with him and he snapped his head to the other side of his bed where his mate should have been.

Now fully awake, he began to panic and jerked to an upright position. He whipped to the right to see the door was wide opened.

Did Nine run away? Was it because he did something in his sleep to her?!

Shit! Slade cursed and eyes widened in realisation. He must have done something for her to leave!

"Nine?!" he yelled out in alarm and struggled to shove the covers off. Once he did, he raced to the door, though he didn't get far when he heard his name coming from behind him.

Snapping his head around, he saw his Queen standing outside on the balcony. How he didn't notice her showed how much his impulsive actions are controlled by his strong emotions for her.

Letting out a relieved sigh and his shoulders slump - all the tension leaving his body instantly, Slade made his way to Nine. She watched him through wide eyes as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, not being able to help himself.

Placing his forehead on her shoulder, he whispered softly, "Don't scare me like that." And then kissed her delicate neck.

Nine blinked once, twice and once more time.

All she did was wake up to watch the sun rise. Although it was hard for her when she tried to get out of bed. Her mate had his arms wrapped tightly around her waist and only tightened when she tried to move away or pry his arms off her. Nine noticed that even in his sleep, Slade was stronger than her.

It took her a while but she finally broke free and then moved to the balcony. Nine felt peaceful whenever she watches it. She was very grateful to witness the sun rise and set every day and wasn't going to waste a second of it.

It reminded her of her freedom.

Once again in her mates arms, Nine felt almost blissful. She liked the feelings she got from him but that still didn't explain what a mate does. She would understand more from detail explanation rather than through actions when it comes to something complex things like mates.

"What are you doing out here?" Slade asked, his eyes closing and then began to run his nose along her neck. He purred at the touch of her skin - loving every precious second.

Nine pointed to the rising sun. "I like watching the sun rise." She told him, her speech improving greatly. She tilted her head to the side when her mate rubbed his face even more into the crook of her neck.

Ten minutes passed and Nine would've thought that Slade would have stopped but it seemed to her that he was just starting. Her attention was stolen from the sun to his hands that were exploring her hips and stomach.

Tori gave her a tank top and a pair of shorts, both completely uncomfortable for her. She was used to dresses because that's all Dexter could get her whenever she shifted.

Nine could guess that her mate was in some sort of daze as he ran his hand on her stomach. The top lifted up and he traced the marks there. The purring never stopped and only increased. For her, she didn't know what to do except stand there. She didn't allow another male touch her except Dexter and Victor where she had no choice but with her mate, she permitted it.

She wondered why though, why was he so different to other males. She understood that they were mates but why him? What makes him so special?

What is the mating thing? Is that why she could tolerate him being so close to her compared to another Werewolf?

Number 9: The Genetically Modified WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now