Chapter 29 Part I

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The day had arrived.

It was like fate predestined the exact day and time, adjusting the universe for this moment. They made that morning unbearably cold. No human would dare to leave the warmth of their bed to walk into the woods.

Thick fog coated the air, the eerie mist creating an ominous feel. Daring any to enter and see if they can make it out without getting lost.

Even though the temperature dropped below freezing, there was a large source of heat in the woods. It moved, slowly – soundlessly.

Like a single wolf, the pack stalked. Three hundred strong. Their pace was steady as they trekked forward to the destined site. Ears twitching but eyes unwavering as they stared forward and nowhere else. With every breath they exhale, the air turning into a cloud – vaporising in puffs of smoke.

In proper Werewolf hierarchy and lead by the highest council member, Tiyan was flanked by his comrades. Behind him came the Alpha's, Beta's and finally the Warriors.

As they neared the clearing, all around the tension arose. Some shifted restlessly, others stood still. But every single wolf was on high alert. Eyes scanning the terrain. Even though they were to meet at the clearing, they could not trust Victor to keep his word. The threat of ambush was still a danger.

'Stop.' Tiyan's voice rang out through the mind link – connected to every wolf. As a unit they paused and waited.

Tiyan could see the clearing just ahead. He was waiting for the Warriors he sent ahead to scout for possible ambush and to see how far the enemy was. He could already smell them and by the stench – he could tell they were in for a fight.

Not a few minutes later, he could see the pair of their fastest Warriors break into a run across the open field. It matters of seconds they reached him, heavily panting but far from being tired.

'They are almost here. Victor seems confident enough not to plant an ambush.' The Warrior grunted angrily. But he did not voice that he was also thankful that Victor was cocky. Otherwise, they would be walking into a bloodbath.

Not like this one wouldn't be the same.

Nodding his head, Tiyan turned his light caramel body to face his comrades.

'This is it.' He spoke, voice high with authority and firmness. 'Beyond those trees stands the greatest enemy and threat for us!' Then Tiyan's tone dipped uncharacteristically terrifying, 'But we will make sure that they are nothing but a bedtime story.'

The atmosphere suddenly shifted. The Warriors gaining confidence and strength, some even letting out a howl.

Facing forward, Tiyan walked. Head held high, chest puffed out and eyes solely locked on the tree line. His army followed suit, spreading out to show their mass amount of numbers and strength – a strategic play to intimidate the opponent.

If they could just frightened even a few, it would aid them for the real threat. The Lycan.

This was a fight between wolves. No weapons or human interference. It was just teeth and claws. It was a matter of pride and the survival of all Werewolves that they must win.

As they waited, Tiyan slightly turned his head towards Beta Ryan but kept his eyes firmly on the tree line.

'Any news on Alpha Slade?' he asked. His ears twitched in his direction at the sound of him shuffling.

'No.' Ryan replied, reluctantly. His head low and away from the councilman.

Tiyan made no comment.

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