Chapter 3

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"She was simple, beautiful and deadly but at least she was mine."
  -Marco Gritti.

Slade watched in awe as the remarkably large she-wolf took down the three Rogues. He couldn't understand how this female was so large. A normal size she-wolf was half the size of a male but as he watched closely, Slade could see she was taller and bigger built then the Rogues who outsized most of the wolves here.

His green eyes watched every movement like a hawk.

There was something about her that he couldn't quite grasp. She smelt so different, even from all the way here he could smell her. It was a toxically sweet, like a black rose. Sweet, but deadly and dangerous. He couldn't take his eyes off her as he stayed at the back.

He snuck in with a few other pack members who scattered around the arena.

The plan was to raid the arena, flush out the Rogues to the exits and waiting at each exit were Werewolves from a few other packs. They planned to shoot every Rogue that escapes and take down any that get away. The strongest were inside since they would be pushing the mutts towards the exits but will attack any remaining in the arena.

Everything was set; they were just waiting on Slade's command as he was the only Alpha on the inside. Nolan and Ryan were also inside but were spread out to look less suspicious.

There was just one problem, Slade was distracted by a certain black beauty. Uncomfortable at his feelings for her, he passed it off as a natural protectiveness over any she-wolf fighting against another experienced male wolf.

Suddenly, she faced Slade. Her eyes were in black slits but what Slade found intriguing was the way her eyes, though were unnaturally white and cat like – it had a mist of red within them.

He had never seen a wolf like her and boy was she a beauty to behold.

It was only when his wolf howled within as he stared into her eyes, that something sparked.

Slade froze.

"No..." he whispered so softly.

Of all the places to be, his mate was in a cage, fighting a man double her size!

Once his shock had subsided, Slade fumbled – barely able to keep his wolf from jumping the stands to meet her but he forced himself to stay stood firm. He could not jeopardize the mission; he would have to wait until after.

But that wasn't his immediate problem; he pulled out of his revere and turned his attention back to his beauty and held in a flinch. If he was shocked at seeing her, nothing could have prepared Slade for her reaction.

The longer she stared at him, the more darkened her eyes became, she growled lowly showing of her canines and her spine was tensed – ready to strike.

Slade was appalled, what was wrong with her?

Did she not know they were mates?

The Alpha inside found her stare challenging and disliked that she was showing such disrespect to him. Slade's wolf came out and he narrowed his eyes at her. Though they were mates, he would not allow her to feel that she is the dominant one.

The she-wolf broke eye contact and twisted around to face her opponent. Her muscles bunched, ready to fight as soon as the bell rang.

Slade began fidgeting as the fight started and her opponent attacked. He struggled to keep his wolf from breaking through and protecting his mate. With as much self-control, he held back and watched closely as she snapped the wolf's leg with her jaws.

Number 9: The Genetically Modified WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now