Chapter 22

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 "What are you doing here?" Slade snapped and moved to stand in front of Mason. His heavy frown and eyes narrowed showed his aggravation.

"Now, now, no need to release your anger out on me." Mason responded with a superior smirk. He shrugged half-heartedly and casually glanced at Nine who already shifted, donned on clothes and was standing just behind Slade.

"But if you must know...." Mason trailed off as his eyes roamed over the mysterious she-wolf who captured his undivided attention since the moment he met her at the arena. As a wolf she was powerful and now standing in front of him, she was just how he pictured her to be.

Exotic. Dark. And Tempting.

Although, Mason slightly narrowed his eyes and his lips curled in distaste at all those retched scars and her awfully striking eyes. Thankfully he knew a guy who was a good plastic surgeon. A couple of appointments with him and all those atrocious mutilations would vanish and maybe a change in eye colour.

Also he would make her grow her hair out. Can't have his future mate looking like a boy. Best to get rid of that scruffy look and make her look more classy. Other than that, Mason was fine with the rest of her body. Long legs, an hourglass curve and her feminine face.

She would do nicely.

Apparently Alpha Mason was looking too long when Slade stepped in. He grabbed Mason's shirt non to lightly and lifted the pup up with one hand, making sure to humiliate him by dangling his feet off the ground.

His guards tried to step in but Slade's pack was already warning them off with threatening growls. Heavily outnumbered they could do nothing.

"Keep your eyes off my mate!" Slade spat, his arm bulging as his fists tighten.

Alpha Mason struggled to get the brute to let go. His face was turning red from embarrassment and anger when Slade's pack began to snicker.

"Is this how you treat Alpha's in your territory?!" he shouted just as Slade dropped him. Mason stumbled a little, his men caught him before he fell but he harshly shrugged them off.

Mason snarled. "I'd appreciate it if you kept your hands off me." He straightened his shirt roughly.

Slade let out a scoff and the crossed his large arms.

"What do you want?" He asked not to kindly, ignoring the duty to respect and honour all Alpha's that visit another's' territory. His jade eyes glistening with subtle anger and annoyance.

Letting out a sharp exhale, Mason straightened his back in order to gain some height. But he was no match for Slade's 6'3 stature.

"I want an alliance."

Slade's eyes twitched in irritation at the pup. How dare he enter his territory, without permission and then demands an alliance?! That mutt! He should just kick him out and-

"I mean, you wouldn't want me to contact the council. I'm sure they would like to know the Rogue problems you are having and not to mention the way your mate can control them." Mason grinned maliciously at the now livid Alpha.

Nine having had enough for one day, moved to her mate's side and wrapped her hand around his. She peered up at him, both having a silent conversation with their eyes.

Sighing, Slade turned his head slightly to Ryan who stood to his other side.

"Prepare rooms for our...guests." He spat out the last word and shot a glare at the arrogant Alpha. Once they went inside, Slade nodded to Nolan who went about dealing with the aftermath of the Rogues, along with the other warriors – leaving the Alpha and Luna to themselves.

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